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Monthly Archives: October 2008

  • Styling the Charts in the Silverlight Toolkit

    In a previous post, I introduced the Chart control from the Silverlight Toolkit. In this post, let’s cover how to make the charts look more interesting. First, we’re going to create a simple label/value class to hold the data for the chart. In the previous example, we just used a collection of doubles, but that didn’t provide any labels. namespace PeteBrown.SilverlightToolkitExamples { ...

  • Silverlight Toolkit (Silverlight 2 Control Pack) - Charting

    The Silverlight Toolkit is now available! Here’s a rundown of what’s included:Chart TreeView AutoCompleteBox DockPanel WrapPanel Label Expander HeaderedItemControl HeaderedContentControl NumericUpDown ViewBox ButtonSpinner ImplicitStyleManager (Yay!)Theming All of this goodness is contained in just in three libraries all named Microsoft.Windows.Controls.*Let’s dig into the cha...

  • The Next Killer Silverlight Application

    I’m watching the PDC keynote via Silverlight, and keeping up with the backchannel on Twitter. Given the comments about azure screens of death, robotic speakers, red shoes, dart-throwing motions, and seasickness, I can’t help but think that this might be the next killer Silverlight application: Ok, who’s going to build it?

  • TechDays DC This Week - AJAX, Silverlight, REST, WCF, MVC and More

    For those of you not going to the PDC, be sure to join us at TechDays at the Sheraton National Hotel in  in Arlington, VA next week. This is a pretty big event with lots of great content. Oct. 28th – WebDev Fundamentals – Moving Beyond ASP.NET Topic 1: Introduction to ASP.NET AJAX Topic 2: Introduction to Silverlight 2 Topic 3: Servers and Services for Web Developers Oct. 29th – ...

  • Emoticon for Drivers

    When I was in high school a million years ago, I made a red light-up middle finger out of a box, some red cellophane, two long wires and the bulb from the cabin light in my car. I attached the wires to the overhead light in my seafoam green 1980 Honda Accord and had the finder in the back window. I used the switch to turn it on or off. It seemed cool at the time… ;) Now there’s a much less off...

  • MSDN geekSpeak October 22 : Silverlight and Facebook

    Be sure to join me, Glen Gordon and Andrew Duthie on October 22 for our MSDN geekSpeak. We’ll be covering building facebook applications using Silverlight 2. Title:  MSDN Webcast: geekSpeak: Silverlight and Facebook with Pete Brown (Level 200) Presenter:  Pete Brown Webcast Length:  60 minutes Date/Time:  10/22/2008 12:00:00 PM PACIFIC Registration Link If y...

  • How to Build Facebook Applications with Silverlight 2 RTW – Part 2 of 2

    In Part 1, we created a Facebook application using ASP.NET. Now, in Part 2, we’ll cover how to add Silverlight into the mix. I’ll assume you have the Part 1 solution working. If not, go to that blog post and download the project files linked at the end of the post. Install the Silverlight 2 Developer Tools If you haven’t done so already, install the Silverlight 2 Developer tools from Silverli...

  • How to Build Facebook Applications with Silverlight 2 RTW – Part 1 of 2

    I’m about to embark on some very different Silverlight application development projects (primary around data-driven UI, and one potential one even about kiosk/digital sign work). Before I do that, I wanted to give you all a brain-dump primer from my last project – MSDN East Coast News. MSDN East Coast News is a Silverlight 2 application which runs inside the Facebook chrome, ergo a two-parter ...

  • Welcome Silverlight 2 RTW!

    This is the second birth I’ve been privileged to witness this month, and if I made any more comparison than that, my wife would surely kill me ;)As of October 14, Silverlight 2 has now hit that most important of milestones: RTW (or RTM if you would rather picture conveyor belts full of CDs and boxes). Expect to see downloads live sometime in the morning.Existing end users will be automati...

  • Welcome Abigail

    Here is one that was worth waiting for :) Abigail Noelle Brown, born October 4, 2008 1:14am. 8lbs 12 3/4oz, 22” long. Due date was September 24, so we were waiting a little longer than expected. At 4” taller than Ben when he was born, I sense she’s going to catch up to him quick and give her big brother a run for his money. heh. Mom is doing well, exhausted of course, but fine otherwise. ...