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Monthly Archives: October 2012

  • A ten-year-old’s excitement over Windows 8 and more

    My son is 6 1/2 and my daughter is 4. Today, my wife had some of my children's homeschool friends over. One of them is a 10 year old boy. He saw Windows 8 on my 6yo son's laptop upstairs and said "You have Windows 8?!?". He was very excited because he didn't have it yet himself. He started telling my son all about Windows 8 and what's coming. This is a 10 year old boy, mind you. UP...

  • Windows Store app development: Include that privacy policy

    Privacy is a huge concern to most customers. Part of the Windows Store app certification process includes checking for the presence of a privacy policy if your app declares any capabilities which could affect privacy. MSDN has a section (4.1.1) explaining what is expected from the privacy policy. I won't quote it here, but some important points jump out (emphasis mine): Declaring...