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Welcome Abigail

Pete Brown - 05 October 2008

Here is one that was worth waiting for :)

Abigail Noelle Brown, born October 4, 2008 1:14am. 8lbs 12 3/4oz, 22” long. Due date was September 24, so we were waiting a little longer than expected.


At 4” taller than Ben when he was born, I sense she’s going to catch up to him quick and give her big brother a run for his money. heh.

Mom is doing well, exhausted of course, but fine otherwise.

[ Update. Here are a few more pictures. Ok, I know I should really use flickr… ]

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posted by Pete Brown on Sunday, October 5, 2008
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  1. POKE 53280,0: Pete Brown's Blogsays:
    This is the second birth I’ve been privileged to witness this month, and if I made any more comparison