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Pete Brown's Blog (POKE 53280,0)

Pete Brown writes on a variety of topics from XAML with the Windows Runtime (WinRT), .NET programming using C#, WPF, Microcontroller programming with .NET Microframework, .NET Gadgeteer, Windows on Devices, and even plain old C, to raising two children in the suburbs of Maryland, woodworking, CNC and generally "making physical stuff". Oh, and Pete loves retro technology, especially Commodore (C64 and C128). If the content interests you, please subscribe using the subscription link to the right of every page.

Archive for tag: Family

  • Do you really know what your kids are doing online and in games?

    It seems that each generation is exposed to more mature or serious situations at earlier ages than the one before it. There are a lot more ways for kids to get in trouble online than just running afoul of the creepily mustachioed basement dweller you see on "that" episode of Special Victims Unit. tl;dr: A child was banned from Xbox live and that caused me to investigate some things ...

  • Teaching kids electronics, electricity, and logic using littleBits

    We homeschool our two children. Ben, is kindergarten age, Abby is pre-school age. My wife does, by far, most of the work there, including trucking them to specialized classes (art, music, gymnastics, karate, our homeschool group single day school, etc.) plus all the playdates with the other kids, and special events. Melissa even teaches several of the classes at the home school group. I...

  • The .NET Gadgeteer Diaper Alarm Part 1 (Moisture Sensor)

    During the .NET Microframework and .NET Gadgeteer code camp talk that Andrew Duthie and I gave several weeks back, we tossed around the idea of using the Gadgeteer and a moisture sensor to alert parents of, ahhhh, soggy diaper issues. Shortly before the holidays, in the mail, I got a package of goodies from Microsoft Research. That package included one of these moisture sensors from S...

  • Three Great Books for Lego Robotics and general Lego Motion Builders

    I like Lego. I got my first set back around age 5 (I still have some of those well-chewed bricks), and have built off-and-on ever since. Of course, I've tried to get both of my kids into building as well. Together, they inherited two giant Rubbermaid storage totes full of Lego. I give them chunks of it from time to time. I've also bought sets for both of them. Ben is signed up for the L...

  • Terry Brown 1950 - 2010

     On January 14, 2010, around 5:30 am, my father passed away at home from a relatively short bout with a very aggressive cancer. He had just turned 59 in December. We first found out in May 2009, and, as these these things often do, it looked like it would respond well to treatment.Treatment took a lot out of dad, but he held up well.We all thought there would be more time, but the cancer t...