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Pete Brown's Blog (POKE 53280,0)

Pete Brown writes on a variety of topics from XAML with the Windows Runtime (WinRT), .NET programming using C#, WPF, Microcontroller programming with .NET Microframework, .NET Gadgeteer, Windows on Devices, and even plain old C, to raising two children in the suburbs of Maryland, woodworking, CNC and generally "making physical stuff". Oh, and Pete loves retro technology, especially Commodore (C64 and C128). If the content interests you, please subscribe using the subscription link to the right of every page.

Archive for tag: Metro

  • My List of Must-See Build 2011 Videos

    Windows 8 and Metro are new to most developers. Luckily, the //build/ event has a TON of great sessions explaining how to get productive with the new development stack. Here's my personal list of Build 2011 videos that XAML developers (Silverlight, WPF, Phone) should see, roughly in order starting with key Windows 8 sessions. The video player supports trick play (on IE9, right-click a...

  • Silverlight 5 in Action Book Update, and Announcing the Next Big Book

    I'm putting the finishing touches on Silverlight 5 in Action. At around 1050 pages of very deep Silverlight content, it's quite a brick :) I'm really proud of how this book has come out. Developers, especially business application developers, will be using Silverlight for application development for years both on Windows 7 and Windows 8 With that in mind, I wanted to make sure that I ha...