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Monthly Archives:

  • Recent videos and music tracks

    I've put up a few videos and music tracks lately. Enjoy (view on my site to see the videos. They don't usually appear in RSS readers) Also "Pete plays with arpeggiators". Video created in After Effects and Premiere Pro. The background video is a survey of the lights in my home office one evening.   Inspired by a little board called the "Tune in Tokyo". Vi...

  • My Windows Store XAML book is now available

    Look what just arrived at the door! The author copies are usually in the first set to be sent out. For folks who have pre-ordered paper copies, you should see those really soon. The ebooks typically show up shortly afterwards. Yes, this is Windows 8 XAML in Action. We renamed the book to better cover its ongoing focus. How to get your own copy If you're at TechEd NA 2013 th...