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My Windows Store XAML book is now available

Pete Brown - 03 June 2013

Look what just arrived at the door!

The author copies are usually in the first set to be sent out. For folks who have pre-ordered paper copies, you should see those really soon. The ebooks typically show up shortly afterwards.

Yes, this is Windows 8 XAML in Action. We renamed the book to better cover its ongoing focus.

How to get your own copy

If you're at TechEd NA 2013 this week, I'll be at the TechEd book store this Thursday at 12:30pm local time, after my last session there, doing a book signing. Bring your own copies, or purchase a copy while at the store, or just come by to say "Hi".

Finally, if you haven't yet picked up a copy, my book is the Manning Deal of the Day this Wednesday June 5. The code to use on June 5 is dotd0605au at http://manning.com/pbrown3 . You'll save 50% off the normal price.

posted by Pete Brown on Monday, June 3, 2013
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9 comments for “My Windows Store XAML book is now available”

  1. Petesays:

    I'll definitely be at Build (my team helps plan the keynote, and I have a session). We don't typically have a book store there, so I don't believe there will be any books for sale, however.

  2. Stanleysays:
    I just got your book and trying to learn windows 8 development. I am new to this. I tried the code for twitter and it does not work. I get a error message Please migrate to API v1.1. https://dev.twitter.com/docs/api/1.1/overview.</error></errors> can you help me with this.
  3. Petesays:


    Yeah, it turns out that Twitter removed that API as of June 12. That wasn't very helpful of them. There's no way to make that example work. I'm working on a replacement example.

    That's annoying, but luckily there are lots of other examples in the book which don't reply on Twitter APIs.


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