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Monthly Archives:

  • Teaching a six (well, almost seven) year old to solder

    As a geek, there are a number of milestones or rites of passage for children: First drawing of any vehicle with more than three guns First original LEGO model First time you figure out how to turn on the Xbox and get into a game without help First time you solder something First program written First cosplay at a geek convention First computer you build from parts ...

  • Generating sound at runtime using XAudio2 in a Windows Store app

    In this post, I'll briefly explain how to generate sound in real time in a Windows Store C++ app using XAudio2. I've always liked messing around with synthesizers. Quite some time ago, I built a simple synthesizer using Silverlight. It was cool, but very processor intensive. All the sound was generated in real time, and was then pushed into buffers which were read by the media pipelin...