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You may also be interested in my blog archives, the articles section, or some of my lab projects such as the C64 emulator written in Silverlight.

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Monthly Archives:

  • Maker Geek Roundup 006 for 1/25/2012

    The Maker Geek Roundup aggregates information of interest to makers everywhere. Topics include .NET Micro Framework, CNC, 3d Printing, Robotics, Microsoft Robotics Studio, Electronics, General Maker stuff, and more. If you have something interesting you've done or have run across, or you blog regularly on the topics included here, please send me the URL and brief description via the con...

  • Now, more than ever, you need a designer

    Before joining Microsoft, I was a consultant, primarily building desktop applications using a variety of MS technologies. During my last couple years there, Silverlight was a large part of that both for full apps and as parts of larger web sites. Prior to that, it was WPF, Windows Forms, VB, HTML and even SharePoint. tl;dr: The point of this long post is not to show you examples of ...