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Now, more than ever, you need a designer

Pete Brown - 25 January 2012

Before joining Microsoft, I was a consultant, primarily building desktop applications using a variety of MS technologies. During my last couple years there, Silverlight was a large part of that both for full apps and as parts of larger web sites. Prior to that, it was WPF, Windows Forms, VB, HTML and even SharePoint.

tl;dr: The point of this long post is not to show you examples of good design or pick apart existing designs. I'm not really qualified to do that. However, I can point out the need for design and give you some small amount of ammunition when presenting this to your own management. Visual and UX Design matters, even for internal apps, often far more than architecture or the other things we focus on. You'll be more efficient with a designer on-team, who you can iterate with. The world is evolving and we need to keep up. Go hire one now.

tl;dr the tl;dr: Hire a UX/Interaction designer.

The company I worked at wouldn't hire a UX/Visual designer. Why? Because they felt they could never sell the benefit of good UX and visual design to customers, and couldn't keep a designer busy 100% of the time. The problem was, without a portfolio of well-designed UI and sites, it became self-fulfilling. I had contended that if they hired one, they'd be amazed at just how busy that person would end up being. Quite frankly, they just didn't see the value.

It got to the point that when I walked into my management's office, they'd be like "You're not going to tell us to hire a designer again, are you?"

You may even be thinking the same thing, this post may see like Déjà vu if you've followed my blog for a few years :) I took a more conservative approach to the problem in that 2010 post. Basically saying the same types of things Scott Hanselman recently pointed out in his Skip Intro post: don't over do it, and don't use things just because they're there. In that post, I argued that if you want to just keep making the same old battleship gray applications, you don't *need* a designer. However, I still think you can benefit from one in your projects regardless. So, I'm going to backtrack a little bit and deliver a more absolute form of the message: yes, you need a designer. Whether it is HTML/JS/CSS, or XAML/C#/VB, or something else, you should have design talent on staff.

For a bit, we toyed around with the idea of partnering with an outside firm. The problem was, there was too much of a "hand off" approach to the design. Without having the design talent on-staff, you couldn't iterate during the project. The design was passed in at the beginning and then slowly destroyed by the developers (or people like me who had good UX but horrible Graphics design skills) over time.


I likened it to other disciplines, like partnering with a firm just to design the database. Sure, design it all up-front and then make the project live with that throughout the rest of the lifecycle. No one found that to be a sane idea, but still couldn't see the parallel with UX and Graphics design.

Now, in their defense, the company primarily worked on large-scale transaction processing systems. However, the business had slowly evolved to include more commercial work, and more intranet and internet sites for these same customers. Also, in their defense, our customers felt the same way. They wanted really great UX and graphics, but somehow felt those things simply fell from the sky. They didn't want to pay for designers on projects either. They were still stuck in the team makeup and ideas that worked for mainframe applications and, as in most cases, haven't moved on.

One thing the enterprise development community in general has been slower to adopt is the idea that you really do need visual and UX design talent on staff. Application success or failure rarely comes from architecture, or reuse, or whether or not you use stored procedures or which ORM you use. Those are things we do to meet other, more internal, goals, most of which users don't care about in the least, many of which offer more perceived benefit than actual real project benefit. As Scott mentioned in another post, users don't care if you use Web Sockets. Sure, if you really botch the architecture, the app may be unusable, but beyond that, your investment is better spent elsewhere.


Knowing Your Limits

Yesterday, Scott Hanselman blogged about the emerging trend to throw a dog's breakfast of features into HTML5/CSS3/JS sites. He and I chatted about it for a little, and felt I should write something up here as well. Go read his post as well.

It's natural for developers to push the boundaries when a new technology comes out. That's how we learn. That's fine for demo sites in developer echo chambers and compos, but don't do it in front of actual users. It's too easy to have your app look and perform like a Pirate's idea of wealth: all money and no style. Scott has links to a few examples of that in his post. There are a couple other good ones in the comments.

How did we get to this point? Why do so many still not even realize we're here?

Modern Development

First, a little history:



I don't wear a suit to work. In fact, I work from home, so what I wear barely counts as clothing some days. I also don't sit in front of a highly non-ergonomic greenscreen device, trying to remember arcane codes (ok, well I do when I'm messing around with microcontrollers or old computers). Why? Because the world has moved on from that. Gradually over the years, more and more UX thought has been given to applications.

  • When applications were just command-line affairs, the only UX you really had to worry about was how hard the transaction codes were to remember. Most of the UX was the huge three-ring binder manual or the multiple volume boxed sets with textured cloth covers. Users often spent as much time in that as interacting with the screen, especially during their first X months. Graphics were Escher prints you hung on the wall. Computers were supposed to be hard, for some unknown reason. Engineering ruled the experience, and we didn't know any better.
  • When they became full-screen character mode applications (Curses, anyone? No? How about the windowing libraries for DOS TurboC/C++ apps? IBM 3270? No? Pah. Youngsters.) there was more UX to worry about, but the layout and workflow choices were still so limited as to make it easier for a dev with a good eye to come up with something decent. Graphics were things scientists used for data visualization. Design was for companies making physical products customers had to hold in their hands. An entire industry was built around plastic-coated cardboard keyboard templates to help you remember all the keyboard shortcuts required to navigate important applications, especially for DOS. I blame WordPerfect.
  • When apps became battleship gray forms over data (white 2d forms first), UX consisted mainly of making sure you had a decent tab order and "fit as much as possible" on a single screen. Navigation often resembled those character mode applications we were upgrading/scraping/rewriting because our users didn't know any better, and we didn't know how to show them something else and prove it would be more efficient and/or easier. Things started to go south here. Graphics were for games and maybe 16x16 16 color icons. Animation was for music videos.
    • Early on, apps were even just black and white instead of gray. But when the gray "3d" chiseled look started coming into vogue late in Win 3.11's lifetime (there was a special common controls library just for it), developers went nuts and had apps that looked like Mayan pyramids. Borders within borders within borders. Uuuuugly. And I did it too. It was new. It was exciting, and it was abused.
  • When the web started making inroads into application development, UX became further complicated. First, the workflow options for early web apps really blew. Many apps had two buttons "Submit" and "Reset" and a big form above them. Validation and all other processing mostly took place server-side. Sometimes, we got clever, and sent all the data through an iframe to avoid a full page refresh. We made excuses because that's how all the other apps were working, and we didn't take much inspiration from branded experiences. However, at least they often looked nicer than those battleship gray apps. That made a real impression on people. Hmm. Graphics. Colors. Whitespace. Animation was for dancing hamsters or Pixar.
  • And then the proliferation of consumer-oriented smart phones and tablets with great UX, driven in no small part by Apple, really brought UX and visual design to the front. It's not because the platform had a great API or something (I've never worked on it, but I hear the platform, from a programming and design standpoint is … interesting), but because it attracted a lot of designer types. It's no accident that companies like Apple and Microsoft chose design firms to create the first showcase prototypes of their new UI technologies. Now, even inside the enterprise, many customers expect this level of UX in their own applications. Graphics, colors, whitespace, touch, animation, easing and more all become important parts of the visual design, and it's very easy to get it wrong unless you have a talent for design.
    • Your users now and in the future are ones brought up on this crop of highly visual applications. What do you think they will have for expectations?

But now we're stuck, because we have the tools to do whatever we want, but haven't evolved the teams to effectively make use if them.

We've had tools and platforms to build these types of apps for some time. Flash has been around forever, Silverlight since 2007, and finally, HTML5/CSS3 and its support in browsers is mostly catching up to where FutureSplash was in 1996. The capabilities are there, we just need to use them for good.

It's not just for consumer-oriented apps, either. As companies consolidate their development staff, expose more things outside the firewall, or work to support a large number of internal users, the line between consumer and enterprise development continues to thin.

For grins, here are some apps I wrote in the 90s and early 2000-ish, where I happened to have saved some screen shots (I really wished I had saved more, especially the dBase/FoxPro apps I wrote for DOS and the VB3-6 and PowerBuilder ones for Windows 3.11). The first one was written for DOS entirely in Borland C++ (including the database) the others were, as I recall, .NET 1.0 beta versions of VB4 apps I wrote earlier. in the first one, I mainly just had to worry about tab order. In the second, the users were most comfortable with filling out an online version of the paper form (in fact, they'd have the paper form in front of them while doing this). The third was using the typical "Make it look like Outlook" model of the time.


That version actually looked quite a bit better on a giant 15" CRT, perched high enough up to count as neck-stretching exercise. :)


Like so many other developers, I simply copied prevalent design trends of the time (how many devs have you talked to back in the day who said they were trying to make their app look like Outlook or Visual Studio/Visual Basic?). I got away with it, but you can see that it doesn't 100% work. I force fit some things due to the limited palette of visual design patterns at my disposal. Bonus points: battleship gray.

Is it Customer-Facing?

I've heard many people say that they'll only invest in UX for customer-facing stuff. But who is the customer?

It depends on how you define your customer. For many IT shops, the customer works for the same company. For sales apps, many times the field laptop/tablet application is seen by both a sales person and the customer. Many of the same things you'd do in a consumer application apply to these same customers, but because they're forced to use your app, they don't get the same attention to UX that external true consumer apps do.

Here's a list of some common types of applications being built today, or in the near future. Tell me where UX doesn't matter? Which is customer-facing?

  • Call center apps inside an organization
  • The departmental day-to-day work application at your company
  • Consumer touch-oriented apps on phones and tablets
  • Consumer apps on the desktop
  • Enterprise shrink-wrapped products for the desktop
  • Your intranet site
  • That forms-over-data application everyone in the company uses
  • Time and expense reporting systems
  • Your one-off shell script to update a bunch of database tables

Ok, so I through the shell script in there just to have something where you could get away without UX. Of course, there's often some design put in there too. Did you take a moment to set up different command line arguments? UX, just no pretty graphics :)

How many times have you heard "Sorry, the computer is really slow today" when you talk to someone at a call center? Typically this is because it takes forever to accomplish anything on their crappy apps. Sometimes, of course, they have a 9600bps serial connection from wherever they are to wherever the data is, but most of the time it's just a crap UI that takes forever to help you, or they've forgotten how to do a certain thing in the UI because it's so non-intuitive. I've seen these apps up close. I've seen the massive amount of training that people have to go through to learn them. Some of the most horrendous UX I've ever seen was in an in-house call center application to take outage reports at a power company - one of their most critical ways to help customers. Are they not worth better UX?

UX is important for all those applications. The more the application gets used, the more good or bad UX comes into play. It's not just about selling the application and getting 5 stars, it's also about making others more efficient and making their lives a little less hellish. Making them feel good while using it is a nice bonus.

Most developers, let's not kid ourselves, are simply not well-equipped to make good UX decisions. They're too embedded in the software, and too aware of the underlying code and architecture changes that a change in UX would require so they push back, or don't even consider the things that really should be done. Or they build the system back-to-front and the UI, by necessity, resembles the data structures they used throughout the app. Oh, and changing the UX of an application is one of those things that becomes becomes far more expensive as you wait. UX is the entire workflow of the application. It touches just about everything.


What about graphics? In companies, "Designer" often encompasses both UX and Visual/Graphics design. Often, good UX designers also have a decent visual design background as well, just as developers often have more than one related skill.

Just go Find Some Free Icons

That's something I heard over and over, and you probably hear it too. "Go find some clipart" or "go find a free icon set". Ugh. Invariably, the icon set would only have 1/3 of the required icons, and the remaining ones would have to magically appear. I was able to do that (Axialis Icon Designer saw a lot of me back then), not anywhere near as well as the original designer, but well enough. There were many other applications I saw which had different icons from various sets, with incompatible styles, all mashed together on the same toolbar.

The same thing applies to site themes, css, and more. "Just go find a template" is almost as bad as "go find some free icons".

There are more choices today, but you still end up with those toolbars (or pages, or whatever) where half the icons look good, and the other half show some bad image with a three letter acronym over it.

They all have splash screens though, and with clip art. Maybe even from MS Word. :)


In some cases, the UI starts to resemble that PTA fund raising newsletter sent home with your kid, or that office baby shower announcement :)

When I did work on the graphics and visual design of applications a decade or more ago, I had to do it while hiding in the corner. I had a customer PM come over and tell me "don't let anyone see you drawing pictures". Clearly the visual design and icons and other elements "just appeared" from nowhere. The effort was not respected, but the outcome was expected.

The problem here is not that developers don't know their limits (most do), but that management doesn't see the UX/Graphics Designer role as useful. It's not seen as a science, it's art. And just like in public schools, it's art that gets cut first.

An introduction to Interaction Design should be a required subject for all Computer Science and MIS majors. Not because I would expect them to learn to be great at it, but because they need good solid exposure to it so they know something's possible, even if they don't have the required skills/talent. They'll see there's more science to it than they thought. In fact, Psychology backgrounds often help in UX design. It helps that most Psychology majors are otherwise unemployed :)

Like I said to Scott "The more freedom and power you have, the more you need someone to tell you what not to do." You need this person on your team.

Who is On Your Team?

If you are on a team larger than two people, I bet you have a project manager, a dedicated DBA/database designer (or someone who doubles as DBA and database designer while also coding queries and services and whatnot), a front-end programmer, a back-end programmer, and maybe even a tester. Maybe you have an analyst or two, although those seem to be getting scarce. Larger teams tend to have more finely grained roles.


These are all seen as specialized skills. Not everyone is great at designing databases. Not everyone is equally skilled at creating good services and APIs. Not everyone can line up fields on a form. With web apps, the division tends to be even stronger due to the different languages and platforms in use in the different tiers or sections of the application. Inside the development community we, and our managers, understand these limitations and try to work within them.

But most importantly, not everyone can take a problem and visualize an appropriate workflow and user experience, low-cost prototype it, test it with the users, and make the changes required to make the best UX the project budget will support. It's a specialized skill like any other.

And like any other part of a software project, you don't want to just do it at the end. No lipstick on a pig. Get a designer involved form the beginning, and include them in your iteration plan. You'll be amazed at what you can accomplish.

How have your battles gone on this front? Have you been able to convince management about the importance of UX/Interaction/Visual design? If so, how did you go about it? What worked? What didn't?

posted by Pete Brown on Wednesday, January 25, 2012
filed under:      

13 comments for “Now, more than ever, you need a designer”

  1. Joe Bakersays:
    Having finally been able to work with designers, I don't know how I survived without them. I agree 110%.

    BTW, major props for the FFIX Lego cast! Brings back fond memories and a tear to this geek's eye!
  2. Tomsays:
    Pete, I completely agree with you about the need for designers. What I don't understand though is what happened to Microsoft's push for designers that started with the entire Expression suite of products? I sat in the same "Developer Dinners" as you in Reston, VA many times during the period when there was a big push for bringing developers and designers together. I was pretty excited about this and liked the direction Microsoft was going. There was even the cool ".Toolbox" site launch. Then all of a sudden it all stopped and I haven't heard anything about design from MS in while now. Can you speak at all as to why Microsoft has changed course and what, if anything, they are doing to help companies practice what you're preaching?
  3. Don Burnettsays:
    Microsoft has commited to the "METRO" design language and adopted it on all platforms, from PCs, to Phone, to X-Box to web..

    If you want to see that Microsoft is committed to design check out http://www.microsoft.com/design/

    I also suggest you check out http://vnext.org
  4. James Ashleysays:

    Windows Phone definitely marked a change in Microsoft's attitude toward consumer targeted design. I'm not sure there's been followthrough, though, and it isn't part of the community outreach.

    MIX, the only MS conference that catered to designers, kept throwing out designer targetted content in order to make room for products. There still is no designer focused MVP program. There are no designer roadshows. In the scheme of things, products like Lightswitch still get much more money and attention than design at Microsoft.

    There are definitely people inside MS that understand the importance of design -- but the general sense is that the importance of design is still not a part of MS culture nor part of their outreach to the dev ecosystem.


    This is a brilliant post. Claude Levi-Strauss, the cultural anthropologist, once noted in an interview that while almost anyone can appreciate classical music, very few people can actually create it. The same is clearly true of good design.

    If there is an action item out of this post besides hire good designers (most work freelance, btw, easy to fit into a budget really), its that developers should learn to appreciate and talk about good design even if they can't create it.

    There is an endemic tendency among devs to ignore anything they can't do well themselves. If we all can get comfortable talking about what we like and don't like about UI design, we will all be better at communicating to management why and when we need both UX designers and graphic artists to help with our projects.

    Also want to highlight Arturo Toledo's brilliant blog series on Metro design. Something like that should have been done a year ago, but better late than never. http://ux.artu.tv/

  5. Geof Harriessays:
    Speaking as a designer who focuses exclusively on the Microsoft stack, I can attest that for a while, it felt like we designers were an extremely hot target for Redmond.

    From MIX (I went to MIX 09 and loved it) to the Expression Suite (the workflows in that software remain brilliantly executed, especially if you're coming over from Adobe CS which is completely silo'ed) and onwards to Silverlight and WPF, Microsoft was making it way more appealing for designers to want to get involved.

    This was all in contrast to me previously feeling as if the design work I did was a "nice to have" and merely "lipstick" on a Microsoft-powered software system; there was very little perceived value in design for a lot of developers and architects.

    Then, something happened. The relationship got cold again. Things went back to the way they were. It felt as if Microsoft had flirted with designers, but they never got the big (tr)action they wanted and they just dumped us; we were yet again another cute addition, not of true value. Compare this to Adobe who consistently and predictably focuses on the needs and wants of designers.

    Thankfully that dark period is now over.

    Today with Windows Phone and Windows 8, with the focus on Metro and people like Arturo Toledo, Scott Hanselman and Mike Kruzeniski pushing hardcore for UX and design respect in the Microsoft tech community, life is good again. I, for one, can attest to the positive changes in the ecosystem.

    We're now regularly getting contacted by Microsoft-based development companies looking for a Microsoft-specific designer to help with their products. That's really exciting for us business-wise, but just as importantly, it's showing a fundamental shift in the way that designers are perceived by software developers. My hope that this trend continues and remains growing upward.

    Even if design is not at the very core of Microsoft, that's okay. Just being able to get a seat at the table with all of the other components that make up Microsoft system development is good enough for me.

    It's going to be an extremely awesome next couple of years with Windows Phone and Windows 8!
  6. Andrew Burnett-Thompsonsays:
    Having worked for a consultancy for several years I ended up as lead developer / architect on Premex XPort:

    this software ended up catapulting Premex into the lead over competitors, ultimately resulting in their buyout for £66m GBP in 2011. The software was client facing, used by medical experts with around 1,000 users globally. Premex *insisted* on strong branding and consistency with their internal marketing materials. Despite the app being written in Windows forms, we hacked and hacked our way to Win32 victory.

    Premex XPort was an outstanding success and I believe in part for the reason that it was not battleship gray.

    More recently I am working at a London Investment bank (current). As a consultant developer/analyst on site we have a dedicated UX designer providing Xaml for our WPF application, which is used on the trading floor. The value-add of a UX designer is immense. The app has glitches like any other, but the fact the UI is smooth, slick and professional buys us an awful lot of good will. It also has promoted our app over others in the same department so it has a sort of "flagship" status, despite (IMO) it not being that good !!

    So, in conclusion. Totally agree. to the user the UI *is* the application. Forget your server is down, or the back-end database is struggling. If anything fails the UI team gets blamed. They are the front line. They should look good ...
  7. Ami Schreibersays:
    Talk about hitting the nail on the head! Well said Pete.

    I've always felt that there should be at least one developer on the team that comes from a design background or at least has a natural eye for design.

    One of the things I've personally tried to emphasize to my managers is how important a good UI is and how much it contributes to a positive user experience. Many times I've just had to voluntarly take on additional work in order to be able to "fix" UX and UI issues (i.e. overall asthetics, program flow, choice of controls, layout of controls etc.). There might be an unassigned defect reported by a user that was related to an "invalid object reference" or something like that and I would use that as an opportunity to fix anything that was asthetically "broken" on the same screen (with the blessing of my manager and tying my UI fixes to a seperate defect of course).

    Bad user interfaces lead to bad user experiences and that really bothers me because it just doesn't have to be that way. I see poorly designed products all the time and I'd feel like a hypocrite if I were involved in a project that didn't put a high priority on the overall user experience. I'm not happy with "good enough". Of course you need to get the functionality working. No one wants a bunch of pretty screens with no code behind them, but if you're already going to commit to something why not take the extra few seconds to make sure that all of the textboxes are aligned with their labels and that you've arranged all of the form elements in such a way to avoid unsightly (and unnecessary) scrollbars without making everything look cramped? Modern IDEs are so advanced that the visual editors make it incredibly easy to avoid making crappy looking software. It's almost like a developer would have to go out of their way to design something fugly (I'm talking to you HP and your "afterthought" PhotoSmart printer software).

    Another good example of bad design, for those of you that have used it, I'm sure we can all agree that the UI for the Lego MindStorms software by LabView leaves very little to be desired.

    Have you ever seen the software that the receptionists use at doctor's offices? No wonder those ladies seem angry all the time. I would too!
  8. Scott Barnes (@MossyBlog)says:
    Applications server one purpose, breaking up tasks and data into simplified chunks that we the human being can process, react and provide clarity on a variety of contextual needs.

    Every pixel you put into an application around the UX space is an investment, if done right you can reduce your engineering effort, feature complexities, server and client performance, learning and eLearning material / courseware and lastly you can do the unthinkable - make the users say "I enjoyed using that.."

    If you design a solution with a datagrid or a tree component in it, you have failed. End of story becuase you haven't asked the fundamental question "Why am I designing this.."

    I've sat in many a cubicle and listened to everything Pete has said and more, I've heard practically every "expert" out there dictate as to what IS design vs ISN'T and I simply roll my eyes. The only people in our software industry that are qualified to give lecture on good design are the ones who make games. Games isn't a forced under duress solution, its an opt-in, people WANT to use the software and if we approached all of our solutions right down to the Timesheet entry application as a game, we'd all be much more relaxed about this space.

    Thats not to say we create particles and shake the camera every time you log a customer complaint in a call centre application, no, its still formal approach but one that rewards, recognises and encourages users to participate in the workflow. If software is creating a workflow then you're doing it wrong it should be removing workflows and reducing humans desire to do things the hard way.

    Bottom line is that none of this can occur unless you have someone who sits in a cubicle and thinks visually with the tooling to support this kind of thinking. There are no designers, just visual thinkers.

    As for Metro? Metro won't take off until Microsoft teams remove the democracy and replace it with a visual thinker who does not accept "good enough" design. Everything that has the metro stamp of approval on it has to have every pixel agonised, scrutinised and measured with the attitude of "if its not our best work, it should be shift+deleted".

    Apple have raised the bar, Microsoft really just needs to figure out how they measure up against it as until that occurs they'll never be able to jump it.

  9. Jessesays:
    Great article, design is so important but only as long as it does not take away from the overall user experience.

    One thing that has really stood out to me over the past year is that many developers in the .Net community are focusing on making code ""blendable"" so designers can skin their data but in many cases this is at the expense of the user experience.

    Choosing to use a technique that hinders your ability to monitor and ensure the user is having a good experience just so it is easier for a designer to skin your app is in my opinion not the way to do things.
  10. Jeremy Sharpsays:
    I struggle with this as well. I work for a fortune 100 company with a fairly large IS department. We primarily use internal resources for external/internal work. Not one designer on staff. It's hard to criticize because that appears to be more of the norm... but I completely agree with your post you must have designers.

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