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Links from Silverlight Dev Camp DC

Pete Brown - 03 November 2007

If you attended today's Silverlight Dev Camp, thanks! If you hung around to the end and lasted through my ad-hoc deep-dive at the last hour, thanks even more :) I hope you enjoyed attending as much as I enjoyed presenting.

A bunch of questions came up today at the dev camp. Since I didn't have time to link hunt while in the room, I thought I'd post a follow-up here.

On with the links from today


3d In Silverlight

While Silverlight doesn't natively support 3d, all you need to do 3d is a graphics engine that can spit out polygons and someone willing to write a software renderer. This is how it was done in the days before hardware acceleration, so the talent and code is out there (and well-understood and the subject of many books), as you can see by the links below.

Silverlight and Games

Links from my blog or related to the Carbon Calculator


posted by Pete Brown on Saturday, November 3, 2007
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1 comment for “Links from Silverlight Dev Camp DC”

  1. MrPhilsays:
    Hey Pete,
    You did a great job at the dev camp. I very much enjoyed both your presentations. I wanted to share the link for the post mortem of Zero Gravity. For those that don't know Zero Gravity was commission by Microsoft to demonstrate SilverLight's viability as a game platform and was one of the first things they showcased.


    Take care,
    Philip Ludington
    Mr. Phil Games
    --The guy all the way from Vermont

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