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Scaled DPI-aware image assets for Windows 8 Apps in Visual Studio 2012 Update 1

Pete Brown - 01 December 2012

With the latest update to Visual Studio 2012, the mechanism for specifying and verifying DPI-aware images has just gotten easier.

I've written and spoken about automatic DPI-aware image assets in Windows 8 apps in my book Windows 8 XAML in Action, and also at events. Here are the details, but in a nutshell, if you use a specific naming convention for images in your Windows Store app, for example logo.scale-100.png and logo.scale-180.png, your code can simply reference the root name (logo.png) and the runtime will handle pulling in the correct image for that DPI.

Specifying images

In base Visual Studio 2012, the file picker in the app manifest didn't quite understand this convention. To pull in DPI-aware images, you had to simply type the root file name in the textbox. Everything worked beyond that. In Update 1, the appxmanifest designer has been updated to better support these types of image assets:

Not how I didn't say the section had been "re-imagined"

Another nice change is that the "store logo" entry has been moved from the last tab to the first tab. This is a huge deal as the latest version of WACK now checks to make sure you have that logo in place. Those X logos you see in the Windows Store? That's from folks forgetting to update this logo. With it now on the first tab, it's much more "in your face".

Here's one of the examples from my book, created with the base Visual Studio 2012, and brought into Update 1 without me changing anything. It just works (the .scale-80 image was left out by me). the small numbers at the top right of the logo are to illustrate which image is chosen when run in the simulator.


Note that the appxmanifest itself only includes an entry for the base file name:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Package xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/appx/2010/manifest">
<Identity Name="7bb30b0f-fd80-4ea2-a0e6-c619d20c83fe" Publisher="CN=Pete" Version="" />
<Resource Language="x-generate" />
<Application Id="App" Executable="$targetnametoken$.exe" EntryPoint="PhotoBrowser.App">
<VisualElements DisplayName="Photo Browser by Pete"
Description="Photo Browser sample app for my book Windows 8 XAML in Action"
<DefaultTile ShowName="logoOnly"
ShortName="Photo Browser" />
<SplashScreen Image="Assets\SplashScreen.png"
BackgroundColor="#003060" />

In the project itself, I have images named with the system-recognized naming convention.


Testing your images

If you have multiple machines with different DPI screens, that's a great way to test, as you'll see exactly what the images look like. For most people, however, that's not the case. To test out the images, use the simulator. The simulator will do its best to show what the images will look like, but of course, without the available DPI on the host machine, the level of detail won't be the same.


It's a small change to Visual Studio 2012, but a welcome one. As a result of this, I expect to see more developers using dpi-aware images, and fewer developers leaving out the store logo.

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posted by Pete Brown on Saturday, December 1, 2012
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2 comments for “Scaled DPI-aware image assets for Windows 8 Apps in Visual Studio 2012 Update 1”

  1. Petesays:

    I agree, but the desktop just has a bit too much baggage for true DPI awareness. The typical WPF app incorporates a bunch of different tech, not all of which responds well to DPI changes.

    The Windows Store side is a fresh start, built with DPI awareness from the very beginning so it was probably *less* work to add it in vs. desktop.


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