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Monthly Archives:

  • MFOS Synth 2: Some main synthesizer board work

    In this post, I'm starting to populate the main board for my MFOS Sound Lab Ultimate analog synthesizer. Over the next several months I'll be building what is definitely my most complex electronics project to date: the MFOS (Music From Outer Space) Sound Lab Ultimate, Ultimate Expander and (if Santa brings one) Sound Lab Mini-Synth Mark II, likely all in the same home-made wood...

  • WPF 4.5: Adding a delay to your binding updates to reduce noise

    A couple weekends back, I was giving a talk on the .NET Gadgeteer, and spoke about the support for Potentiometers. Unlike some of the other modules, a potentiometer (like the volume knob on a stereo) varies so much in use that you wouldn't want to raise an event for every little change. The solution in electronics is typically to poll the pot to find its current value. Similar situati...

  • MFOS Synth 1: Built the Power Supply

    Over the next several months (3? 6? 10?) I'll be building what is definitely my most complex electronics project to date: the MFOS (Music From Outer Space) Sound Lab Ultimate, Ultimate Expander and (if Santa brings one) Sound Lab Mini-Synth Mark II, likely all in the same home-made wooden case, side by side. The Ultimate and Expander are together a 3 oscillator monophonic true analo...