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Enumerating MIDI Interfaces using Silverlight 5 PInvoke

Pete Brown - 20 September 2011

MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital Interface) has been around since the 80s. Initially, it was just a replacement for the CV (Control Voltage) approach to getting different keyboards and sound modules to play together. Later, it evolved as a way to sequence entire productions, and to receive and transmit patch information. Here's a setup I had one summer, using my HS-60 (a Juno 106) to control an old 8-bit sampler that used mini disks, and a SIEL EX-600 Expander MIDI sound module, both borrowed from my high school.


MIDI itself is a serial protocol, easily handled with any device that can send/receive serial signals. I even built my own little MIDI unit using a Netduino's serial communications pins. I later expanded on that to include some Micro Framework code to parse MIDI messages.

MIDI Interfaces

There are three different USB MIDI interfaces in this picture. Can you spot them?

My Home Office. I love it here

Here they are:

  • The Dave Smith Tetra on the left, on top of the oscilloscope
  • The Novation X-Station under the rack and shelf
  • The Novation 49SL controller keyboard on the right, in front of the Commodore 128

Every other MIDI device in that picture is just a regular old MIDI box, without a USB interface. Currently, the X-Station is the main MIDI and audio interface, but I have a MOTU hybrid rack unit coming so I can use the X-Station for its synth capabilities rather than its so-so digital audio functions.

So, if you want to use the MIDI interface, you'll need to ask the user which one they want to work with. In many cases, you'll even want to work with more than one: for example, one for input and another for output, or multiples for output to different instruments. Having multiple interfaces is one way to get around the MIDI limitation of 16 instrument channels.

In Windows, the way you get the list is to enumerate the MIDI interfaces using the MM APIs. The rest of this post will show how to use PInvoke in Silverlight 5 to get a count of the output devices, and then loop through requesting details for each of those devices.

Platform Invoke (PInvoke or P/Invoke) in Silverlight 5

PInvoke in Silverlight 5 enables you to call Win32 style APIs from a trusted Silverlight application both in-browser and out. The user must trust the application first, however. PInvoke in Silverlight looks just like PInvoke on the desktop. You copy the type declaration into your code, set up any dependent types (structures, enums, constants, etc.) and then call the function like any other .NET code. Here's an example declaration.

[DllImport("winmm.dll", SetLastError = true)]
static extern uint midiOutGetNumDevs();

The DllImport attribute is found in the System.Runtime.InteropServices namespace.

Win32 API calls tend to be a little uglier than what you see in normal .NET code (something that Windows 8 WinRT fixes with better naming and .NET-style Metadata) so I recommend wrapping the calls into a class which handles all the ugliness. Like most interop scenarios, the ugliness and recreation of the required types and constants, is where you'll spend most of the work. You could take the easy route and just use the functions like you would anything else, but then the developers on your team would slap you silly for exposing that code.


When you want to find the signature of a method, MSDN can be a real help. However, the site PInvoke.net has tons of great API declarations and is usually more approachable for .NET developers.

With that background in place, let's start writing some code.

Enumerating Interfaces

Here's what the application will look like when completed:


I show only the three interfaces (one internal plus two physical) because my main MIDI controller keyboard (the Novation SL49) is currently powered down.

The purpose of this demo is just to show using PInvoke to enumerate the MIDI interfaces. So, I created a normal Silverlight 5 out of browser elevated trust application with very simple UI - a ListBox and a button. We'll add a template to the ListBox later, but for now, here it is:

<UserControl x:Class="SilverlightMidiInterfaceEnum.MainPage"
d:DesignHeight="300" d:DesignWidth="400">

<Grid x:Name="LayoutRoot" Background="White">
<ListBox x:Name="InterfaceList"
ItemsSource="{Binding OutputDevices}"

<Button x:Name="GetDevices"
Content="Get Devices"
Width="100" />

Note that the ListBox is binding to a property named OutputDevices. We'll see that on the viewmodel shortly.

I created a basic viewmodel named MainViewModel and a related model class named MidiInterfaceInformation to hold the information about the interfaces. Whether or not you take this approach depends on your take on the MVVM pattern. I happen to like the pattern, and the use of services, so I've followed that here.

The MIDI Service

The MIDI service is used by the viewmodel to handle the interaction with the win32 API. The main point of the service, as written, is to return a list of output devices. This is where all the PInvoke magic is happening. Note the DLLImport statements and the later calls to the services it defines.

using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using SilverlightMidiInterfaceEnum.Model;
using System.Collections.Generic;

namespace SilverlightMidiInterfaceEnum.Services.Midi
public class MidiService
[DllImport("winmm.dll", SetLastError = true)]
static extern uint midiOutGetNumDevs();

static extern uint midiInGetNumDevs();

[DllImport("winmm.dll", SetLastError = true)]
static extern uint midiOutGetDevCaps(UIntPtr uDeviceID, out MIDIOUTCAPS caps, uint cbMidiOutCaps);

public IList<MidiOutputDeviceCapabilities> GetOutputDevices()
var devices = new List<MidiOutputDeviceCapabilities>();

uint outputDeviceCount = midiOutGetNumDevs();

for (int x = 0; x < outputDeviceCount; x++)
midiOutGetDevCaps((UIntPtr)x, out caps, (uint)Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(MIDIOUTCAPS)));

var capabilities = new MidiOutputDeviceCapabilities();

// we'll only deal with the product name and ID for now
capabilities.ManufacturerDeviceDriverID = caps.wMid;
capabilities.ProductIdentifier = caps.wPid;
capabilities.DeviceType = (MidiOutTechnology)caps.wTechnology;
capabilities.ProductName = caps.szPname;


return devices;

Support Classes

The service uses a number of classes, structures and enumerations. Some of these, like MIDIOUTCAPS are required by the Win32 API. Others, such as the MidiOutputDeviceCapabilities are model classes I wrote to hide the ugliness of the structs. All three are in separate files, but included in a single listing below. Note that I didn't fill out all the fields in the MidiOutputDeviceCapabilities class; that wasn't necessary for this particular example.

using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using SilverlightMidiInterfaceEnum.Model;
namespace SilverlightMidiInterfaceEnum.Model
public enum MidiOutTechnology
MidiPort = 1,
Synth = 2,
InternalSquareSynth = 3,
InternalFMSynth = 4,
MidiMapper = 5

namespace SilverlightMidiInterfaceEnum.Model
public class MidiOutputDeviceCapabilities
public long ManufacturerDeviceDriverID {get; set;}
public long ProductIdentifier {get; set;}
public int DeviceDriverVersionMajor {get; set;}
public int DeviceDriverVersionMinor {get; set;}
public string ProductName {get; set;}
public MidiOutTechnology DeviceType {get; set;}
public int NumberOfVoices {get; set;}
public int Polyphony {get; set;}
public short ChannelMask {get; set;}
public bool SupportsPatchCaching {get; set;}
public bool SupportsSeparateLeftAndRightVolume {get; set;}
public bool SupportsMidiStreamOut {get; set;}
public bool SupportsVolume {get; set;}


using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

namespace SilverlightMidiInterfaceEnum.Services.Midi
public ushort wMid;
public ushort wPid;
public uint vDriverVersion; // MMVERSION
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = 32)]
public string szPname;
public ushort wTechnology;
public ushort wVoices;
public ushort wNotes;
public ushort wChannelMask;
public uint dwSupport;

The ViewModel calls the service and exposes the MidiOutputDeviceCapabilities data to the client in the form of an ObservableCollection. That collection is binding-friendly and can be used directly from the UI XAML.

using System;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using SilverlightMidiInterfaceEnum.Model;
using SilverlightMidiInterfaceEnum.Services.Midi;

namespace SilverlightMidiInterfaceEnum.ViewModels
public class MainViewModel
private ObservableCollection<MidiOutputDeviceCapabilities> _outputDevices =
new ObservableCollection<MidiOutputDeviceCapabilities>();
public ObservableCollection<MidiOutputDeviceCapabilities> OutputDevices
get { return _outputDevices; }

public void LoadMidiOutputDeviceList()
var svc = new MidiService();

var devices = svc.GetOutputDevices();

// toss them in the Observable collection to support binding
foreach (MidiOutputDeviceCapabilities device in devices)


Finally, there's just a little wire-up to do. If you used the command pattern, you wouldn't have the button click event handler here. If you used IOC, you likely wouldn't have the viewmodel wire-up. Neither are necessary for this example.

using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Controls;
using SilverlightMidiInterfaceEnum.ViewModels;

namespace SilverlightMidiInterfaceEnum
public partial class MainPage : UserControl
private MainViewModel _vm = new MainViewModel();

public MainPage()

DataContext = _vm;

private void GetDevices_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)

Run the application and click the button. What do you see?


Hmm. That's not quite what we want. What's happening is that the ListBox item template is doing the normal thing a content control does: it renders the object as a string using the ToString() method. In the case of a class, you'll get the class name. If you override ToString, you can get better text, but that's no fun. So let's add a data template to the ListBox to pretty up the output and provide something more meaningful.

Finishing the ListBox

Data Templates are a great feature of XAML. All the XAML technologies (Silverlight, WPF, WinRT) support data templates for content controls and items controls. In this case, we'll use a data template and binding to show a few of the fields on the MidiOutputDeviceCapabilities class.

Replace the ListBox XAML with this new version

<ListBox x:Name="InterfaceList"
ItemsSource="{Binding OutputDevices}"
<Grid Margin="10">
<ColumnDefinition Width="100" />
<ColumnDefinition Width="*" />

<StackPanel Grid.Column="0">
<TextBlock Text="{Binding ManufacturerDeviceDriverID}" />
<TextBlock Text="{Binding ProductIdentifier}" />
<StackPanel Grid.Column="1">
<TextBlock Text="{Binding ProductName}" />
<TextBlock Text="{Binding DeviceType}" />

The XAML defines a ListBox with a data template. The template includes a two column grid (for each row). Each column controls two TextBlock elements stacked vertically inside a StackPanel. It's all text, but at least it is meaningful text.

With that new ListBox in place, your UI should look just fine, like the screenshot at the beginning of the section.


In this post, we used Silverlight 5 PInvoke support to enumerate the MIDI Output devices on our system. We listed them in a ListBox, using a little bit of the MVVM pattern to help with transformation, then formatted the UI using a Data Template.

Source code is attached.


Source Code and Related Media

Download /media/78042/silverlightmidiinterfaceenum.zip
posted by Pete Brown on Tuesday, September 20, 2011
filed under:            

2 comments for “Enumerating MIDI Interfaces using Silverlight 5 PInvoke”

  1. Garysays:
    Thanks for this Pete. A few months ago I started writing a WPF based editor for my DSI Evolver and as a novice programmer probably made the gaffs you mention so now I'll go back and look at the code I cobbled together.

    One thing though, I came across using safehadles when using P/invoke on this site:


    and I'm wondering what you think of this approach.

  2. Chrissays:
    Great idea.

    This gives me the idea to write a wrapper for my own unmanaged Api.

    But the Marshal class is simplified and
    StringToHGlobalAnsi, AllocHGlobal, and FreeHGlobal are missing from Marshal class in Silverlight 5 RC.

    Any chance to have it in the final version?

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