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Monthly Archives:

  • The Menchville High School FIRST Robotics Team

    While at MADExpo last week, I interviewed several members of the Menchville High School Robotics team. They brought their awesome robot to demo, and explained how the team and the program works. MADExpo 2011 Menchville Robotics Team I wish we had this when I was in high school! Of course, they'd have had to be steam powered back then ;)

  • The New and Improved Silverlight.net Site

    We're just about ready to launch the new version of silverlight.net. Here's the posting I put on the forums today: Announcement - Silverlight.NET site will switch to the new design by July end. NOTE: 3 Calls to Action below! For some time now, you have given us feedback on how to make the Silverlight site better - make it easier to find the right content, make it easier to ...