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Monthly Archives:

  • Silverlight.TV with John Papa and Me!

    When I was on campus in May, John and I recorded an episode of Silverlight.TV. Topic was Silverlight printing and reporting, including the codeplex project I created at http://silverlightreporting.codeplex.com. John's Silverlight.TV show is an awesome way to pick up both news and info on Silverlight, and quick nuggets of information. Thanks to John for taking the time to intervie...

  • How'd they build that? Using Snoop and WPF Inspector to peek inside WPF Apps

    Sometimes, you want to check out how your application is structured at runtime. All those nested controls and elements can be hard to visualize when working in code, markup, or designer. Sometimes you need to see the applied values from styles (this is one thing I use IE and Firefox dev tools for with HTML/CSS all the time) Sometimes, you want to just ... er... borrow someone else's ide...