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Monthly Archives:

  • Frank LaVigne on Silverlight/WPF Design for Developers

    Fello AISer and Silverlight/WPF guru Frank LaVigne will be doing a great webcast tomorrow (Wednesday) at noon eastern time. He's going to help demystify basic Silverlight/WPF UI design, and the Expression tools, for developers. This will be much more than just a tools walkthrough - you'll get some practical advice on designing applications. If you're a developer looking to use Silverlight or W...

  • Silverlight 2 Beta 2 Goodies

    Announced at Tech Ed today: Silverlight 2 Beta 2 is coming this week, right on time according to the information from the MIX08 sessions (Beta 1 plus 1q = this week). There are tons of new things in Silverlight 2 Beta 2, but here are a few of the ones I find interesting. Cross-domain changes to Sockets. Sockets now support a server opt-in model similar to that used by WCF. I'll post more a...