Windows Store apps go through both automated tests and human
testing. The automated testing uses a process similar to what you
use on the client in the form of the WACK tool. This tool verifies the basics: does
it crash? does it have the right images? does it spin up in time?
No one likes to waste time by going through the submission and
certification process multiple times. Many apps also require
additional credentials or specific information that users of the
apps would normally have access to. This is one spot where we see
rejections that could be very easily avoided.
When submitting apps to the Windows Store there is a section
titled "Notes to testers". This section is absolutely crucial to
help ensure your app makes it through certification testing. In it,
you need to provide:
- Usage notes if the app's usage isn't obvious (also: reconsider
your UI if this is the case)
- Every userid/password required in the app. For example, I
recently saw an app where the initial login information was
provided, but the user needed a PIN to access an account beyond
that. You need to have test accounts set up for every part of the
app, and provide the information required to access them.
- Every piece of crucial test data to make it through a scenario.
(For example: if a phone number must be in a particular set of
area/country codes, provide that information)
- Ideally, don't make the tester create a new account. Give them
login credentials for a dedicated dummy account, pre-populated with
test data.
Remember, humans read the instructions. If you're unsure
what information is needed, give the app to a friend who has never
used your app (or the back-end services it uses) and ask them to go
through each page. Write down everything they ask you to provide,
and then include that in the notes.
For more information on submitting your apps to the store, see
the App submission checklist on MSDN.