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My Tech Ed US Talk on WPF 4.5

Pete Brown - 18 June 2012

Last week, at Tech Ed US, I gave a WPF 4.5 overview to a completely packed room. The materials and video links are below.



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posted by Pete Brown on Monday, June 18, 2012
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6 comments for “My Tech Ed US Talk on WPF 4.5”

  1. davesays:
    one world ,pathetic,

    one xaml to rule them all.
    call it build and they will come.

    have you ever in your life created anything but stupid little demo apps and useless books ??

  2. Petesays:

    I feel bad that you didn't leave real name/contact info along with your seagull posts (multiples from the same IP, but I removed the others as they were even more offensive)

    Yes, I wrote a TON of real applications in Silverlight and WPF before I ever took this job. Apps that were proof-of-concept, and apps that were put into production. I wrote the first managed code Silverlight application ever to go into production. Judging by the ton you used, my professional programming career started probably before you were born.

  3. Robert Teaguesays:
    Interesting, thanks for sharing this. I've always gotten a lot out of your blogs and appreciate that. The biggest problem I see is VS2012 - the thought of spending 8 hours a day in that nightmare is too much for me. I'm sticking with 2010.
  4. Petesays:

    Is that really how you feel? Seems...a bit dramatic. :)

    I've used every single version of Visual Studio going back to when VB, Visual Interdev, and C++ were separate products and separate IDEs. I can't think of any older version I want to go back to. In fact, I often bounce between 2012 and 2010 becaue of .NET Micro Framework support. I've found I prefer 2012.

    I wasn't a fan of the overpowering grayness of the beta, but I'm quite happy with what we've done with the release candidate. I use it daily.

  5. Robert Teaguesays:
    Unfortunately so Pete. The UI is really ugly; uppercase menus, flat 2-dimensional icons and graphics. How something looks is important to me. Don't get me wrong, I think Metro is great - on my phone, and perhaps a tablet, but not on the desktop, and certainly not the way it influences VS.

    I go back as far as you do, if not further (Borland Turbo C 1.5 actually). VS2010 is my favorite to date. I can only hope some of the 4.5 goodness will make it's way to VS2010, but I'm not holding out hope for that.
  6. Petesays:

    To each their own, for sure. Like automobile trends, and other styles, UI style runs in trends and cycles. I think the heavily 3d shaded look has played out a bit, and the flat look is in reaction to that. What will come after only designers know :)


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