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Monthly Archives:

  • Released: New Version of Expression Blend for Silverlight 5

    You may have noticed that your current copy of Expression Blend for Silverlight 5 expires in the next day or two. A new version of Expression Blend Preview for Silverlight 5 is now out. Get it here. This new version has the all important go-live license, and also extends the expiration date to June 20, 2013 (over a year from now).. More information on the Expression Blend Team Blog.

  • XAML Tip: Setting Attached Properties from Code

    Recently, a reader asked how they should go about setting the Typography properties from code-behind. The original question was about Silverlight, but the approach works in WPF, Windows 8 and more. Given the following markup: <StackPanel> <TextBlock x:Name="OriginalText" FontSize="72" FontFamily="Gabriola" Text="Hello ...