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Monthly Archives:

  • Custom Placement within an ItemsControl in WPF

    I've been tripped up on a problem in Shoebox Scan for several weeks now. I'll pick it up for an hour or two on a Friday, get nowhere, and put it down until later the next week. Today, I finally figured out what the problem is. (Yes, I have been piddling with this application since early this year. I'm pretty sure Scott has a special ulcer just for me and Shoebox scan <g>) Backgr...

  • Announcing the Windows Phone 7 Release, WP7 Silverlight Toolkit and XNA 4.0!

    Today is a great release day. We've launched everything you need to write Windows Phone 7 applications. Not only that, but we've also released XNA 4.0 not only for phone, but for all supported XNA platforms. Visual Studio Tools for Windows Phone 7 Today, we released the production version of the Visual Studio Tools for Windows Phone 7. These are the only tools you'll need for build...