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Monthly Archives:

  • Moving a WPF Window with Custom Chrome

    Robert Iagar on twitter asked how to move a window in WPF without using the built-in title bar or resorting to user32.dll, so I whipped up this quick sample. So let’s have at it:Window XamlWe’ll create a simple window with no built-in border or titlebar. We’ll use a border, some shapes and a HeaderedContentControl to provide stand-in titlebar/content areas.<Window x:Class=&...

  • Back from Best of Tech-Ed/Convergence Reykjavik, Iceland

    Last week I had the real pleasure of speaking at the Best of Tech-Ed and Convergence in Reykjavik, Iceland. I was absolutely amazed by the size of the developer and IT community in Iceland, and the turnout at this conference. For an island of about 300,000 people, having a turnout close to 1,200 locals at a conference is pretty amazing. The participants at the conference were all great folks. ...

  • Windows Client Developer Roundup for 2/1/2010

    This is Windows Client Developer roundup #9. I’ve returned from a great time in Iceland. Awesome community and incredible place to visit. One item of note: If you want to see the WCF RIA Services source code shipped with the product, be sure to vote in this poll. New blog from the WPF/Silverlight designer team. Check it out. The Windows Client Developer Roundup aggregates information of int...