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Upcoming Events

Pete Brown - 03 April 2009

I’m excited to be speaking on Silverlight at a number of upcoming user groups and code camps over the next two months. If you’re local, or want to make the trip, please join us!

.NET Valley User Group
April 16, 2009
A lap around what’s new in Silverlight 3, covering all the great stuff announced at mix09
April 21, 2009 12:00pm
Live Webcast
INETA Live Event
Webcast covering Silverlight 3’s new features
Richmond Code Camp
Saturday April 25, 2009
Richmond, Virginia
Code Camp
A talk primarily focused on the C64 emulator and software synth, but with a discussion of the new features in Silverlight 3 announced at mix09. A little something for everyone here.
Pittsburgh .NET
May 12, 2009
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
A lap around what’s new in Silverlight 3, and a fun talk about the C64 emulator and synthesizer I built in Silverlight 3.
Lehigh Valley .NET
May 18, 2009
Center Valley, Pennsylvania
(topic tbd)
NoVA Code Camp
Saturday May 25, 2009
Reston, Virginia
Submitted some sessions. TBD which will be selected
posted by Pete Brown on Friday, April 3, 2009
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