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Monthly Archives:

  • Creating Sound using MediaStreamSource in Silverlight 3 Beta

    Creating sound from raw bits is, believe it or not, slightly more involved than creating video from raw bits in Silverlight 3.Getting samples to Silverlight is an interesting task. Your code will respond to Silverlight’s request for a sample with a buffer of samples of a size you determine. Rather than a push model, like generating video, it is a pull model.Let’s start with the thin...

  • Using Blur to make Dialogs Pop in Silverlight 3

    When an application needs to display a dialog, there needs to be something to make the user immediately focus on that dialog, even when there are lots of other elements on the screen Most AJAX applications dim the screen behind a dialog by using a semi-transparent overlay. That certainly works well, but another effect to consider is a blur effect. Here’s the dim effect And here’s what a b...