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Monthly Archives:

  • Book Review: Manning’s Silverlight 2 in Action – Chad Campbell and John Stockton

    This has been a crazy summer, but since our daughter has decided not to show up on her due date (which was September 24). I finally got some time to sit down and read a pre-release of Manning’s Silverlight 2 in Action. I know the two authors who wrote this, and while John and I have had beer and burgers up in Bellevue, Chad and I have yet to meet up offline. So if I have to pick on someone, it ...

  • MSDN geekSpeak : Building Facebook Applications with Silverlight 2

    The registration link for the MSDN geekSpeak I’ll be doing with Glen Gordon and Andrew Duthie is now up. Register for the event here. The event is 12:00 Pacific (3:00pm eastern) time on Wednesday October 22, 2008. I’ll be covering how to build Facebook applications using Silverlight and ASP.NET. Expect some great discussion from your hosts and attendees and demos from my bag o tricks. See...

  • Silverlight 2 Per-Frame Rendering Callback – CompositionTarget.Rendering Event

    While promised early on, this one seemingly snuck in under the radar :) Silverlight 2 now has the CompositionTarget.Rendering event. So now, if you want to do something each frame, this is one place where you can do it. You’ll want to do some testing to see just how much you can pack in there before causing problems for your app. Where would you use this? On possibility would be when you nee...