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Monthly Archives:

  • Microsoft Going Old School with ASCII Art Progress Bars

    What's up with the new spinning ASCII art in Microsoft installers? (from http://www.asciimation.co.nz/ all of Star Wars as animated ASCII art) Ok, well, not quite as bad as that <g>, but you've seen it: | / - \ | / - \ | When it cycles like that, it looks like a rotating line, straight out of DOS or our old VT100/220 terminal days. I think the problem they're trying to solve is...

  • Web 2.0 Tenet : Never Follow Good Development Practices

    One one of many pre-sales visits to different clients over the years, I found myself at a local dotcom in DC. It was filled with early-20’s VPs and fresh out of college developers who had a head a little too big for their skills. I love passion, but non-academic experience counts too, especially when you’re leading the work. I asked them how they did development. The first response I got was “...