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Silverlight TechFest Recorded Sessions

Pete Brown - 17 September 2008

Other events got in the way, so I never did get a chance to blog this last month.

Dr Z. from Microsoft posted the recordings from the joint Silverlight TechFest session we did right after the release of Silverlight 2 Beta 2 back in June.

The Silverlight TechFest was a full-day event at the Microsoft Reston MTC focusing entirely on Silverlight 2.

Ashish and Z did the first part, Mike Wolf from Cynergy Systems did the Silverlight/Expression session, and I did the Silverlight + Communications (WCF etc.) session at the end. Andrew Duthie and I also did a little ad-hoc session on Mesh.

We all jointly did the panel discussion. It was all a ton of fun :)

Due to the size, Z broke them up into three and four parts each and posted them on Silverlight streaming. You can find the links here. Enjoy!

posted by Pete Brown on Wednesday, September 17, 2008
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