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Just Seven Days Until v2 Release

Pete Brown - 17 September 2008

[Please Read the Entire Post!] 

I’ve spent a good bit of time watching this grow, so I’m pretty excited to say that we’re expecting a huge v2 release in just seven days (September 24, 2008). I don’t know about you all, but I’m really excited about it even though I’m sure it will be a lot of effort to get it out. I’ve been pretty quiet about it because we usually try not to broadcast things like this around in case the date slips or even comes in early. I am counting on the team to deliver, but you can never be 100% sure of the date.

I’m really jazzed to think about working with v2 here at home. It’ll be quite some time before I can use v2 at work, but hey, it’s worth waiting for :)

The thing I’m not looking forward to is all the spit up and meatloaf-behavior you get for the first few months. Still, I’m sure she’ll be great, and our son will be a great big brother.

So yep, in just seven days, we’re expecting the birth of our second child. Oh, wait, did you think I was talking about a release of something else, like everyone’s favorite RIA technology? Sorry, no such information about that here (I know, you’re thinking “that was cheap!” and getting ready to kill me). This is child v2.

The sad thing, of course, is I’m thinking “Hmm, maybe on paternity leave I’ll have a bit more time to blog” (don’t let my wife hear that!)

posted by Pete Brown on Wednesday, September 17, 2008
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10 comments for “Just Seven Days Until v2 Release”

  1. AdamJTPsays:
    Okay, I admit it, you got me. I was too excited to read the whole post.

    It took me two days of wondering why the Silverlight blogs hadn't lit up like Christmas trees to come back and read the whole thing.

    I just wished that I hadn't announced the news of a SL2 RTM to the whole office.

    I wish your wife and children all the best (but I'm now feeling pretty ambivalent about you).
  2. Pete Brownsays:

    ROFL, I guess I won't get a Christmas card from you then? ;)

    Seriously, Silverlight 2 is so close we can smell it. The last I saw publicly announced was "Fall" and fall is just about upon us. I'm sure we'll see something soon.


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  1. ゆむかブログsays:
    POKE 53280,0: Pete Brown's Blog : Just Seven Days Until v2 Release I’m pretty excited to say that we’re
  2. Community Blogssays:
    By now, you probably heard that Silverlight 2 RC0 is out and available for download . While you’ll find
  3. Community Blogssays:
    By now, you probably heard that Silverlight 2 RC0 is out and available for download . While you’ll