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Commodore 128 FTW!

Pete Brown - 27 August 2008

Just yesterday, I found and scanned an old photo of my first computer. Prior to the C128, I used C64s, apples etc. in school, but this one was at home, and saw a ton of use for programming, games , and word processing (GEOS 128).


posted by Pete Brown on Wednesday, August 27, 2008
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6 comments for “Commodore 128 FTW!”

  1. Toddsays:
    Boy does that bring back memories. I actually still have my C64 at home now. I am almost inspired to try and fire it up. I got it when I was 10 years old. I almost cried when, recently, we visited the Smithsonian and they had a C64 on display.
  2. Pete Brownsays:
    @Dan sweet! Like you, I stayed in for recess and after school to use the computers. Your history parallels mine pretty closely. I'll post a link on your blog to my c64 post :)

    You know, that was a pretty quiet revolution on game controllers. Along comes nintendo and all of a sudden, everyone is doing gamepads instead of joysticks, reserving joysticks for flight sims.

  3. Scottsays:
    Hmm, I had that exact same chip-board desk with my Commodore 64. Do you remember where you purchased your desk from? I don't. After owning a Commodore 64, I by-passed the Commodore 128 and bought an Amiga 500. Both used on this exact same desk. We both must have been buying our stuff from the exact same store.... =)

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