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Monthly Archives:

  • Using Pub/Sub and the Observer Pattern in Silverlight 2 (Part 2 of 2) Navigation

    In the previous two parts of this article (I had planned only 2 parts total, but this ended up a three-part article), I explained how to use Pub/Sub and the EventBus for chaining service calls in Silverlight 2 applications. You can access those articles here: Part 1: Async Service Call Chaining Part 2: More on Service Call Chaining In this part, I'll cover how I use this same pattern...

  • Silverlight DevNuggets Episode 2 is Now Up

    Andrew Duthie just published my second DevNuggets episode. In this installment, titled Styling 101, I cover the basics of styling Silverlight controls. The videos are intended to be quick, short installments following a theme starting from the very basics and getting gradually more advanced. You can view the video here. I hope you find it useful. For the curious, I use the following tools whe...