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Using Pub/Sub and the Observer Pattern in Silverlight 2 (Part 2 of 2) Navigation

Pete Brown - 30 June 2008

In the previous two parts of this article (I had planned only 2 parts total, but this ended up a three-part article), I explained how to use Pub/Sub and the EventBus for chaining service calls in Silverlight 2 applications. You can access those articles here:

In this part, I'll cover how I use this same pattern for UI navigation in a Silverlight application.


You have multiple "screens" in the application and you can navigate to them in a variety of ways. For example, Screen 1 could contains links to screens 2, 3 and 4 and Screen 6 could contain a link back to Screen 3. Add to that the idea that a couple of the screens screens could, say, pop up a media player overlay and you see where the code could get messy quickly.


A Little Background

It may help visualize this a bit if I describe the UI in the application I'm building. The application has the following screens at this point:

  • Home Screen
    • Subset of Events Listing and link to Events Page
    • Subset of Blog Listing and link to Blogs Page
    • Subset of Media List and link to Media Page
    • Link to play a featured video (shows media player overlay)
  • Events Listing Page
    • List of local events
  • Blog Listing Page (General Page)
    • List of blog posts
  • Media Listing Page
    • Videos and screencasts
    • Link to show Media Player overlay
  • User Options Page
    • Various options the user can set
  • Media Player Overlay
    • Slides out over current content and plays a video.
  • Loading Screen
    • Last screen in the slider. Just contains a “loading” animation

The implementation of the screens is interesting. Home, Events, Blog, Media, Loading and Options are all contained in a single stack panel that slides right or left on the screen to bring the selected screen into focus. Think of it like a filmstrip, or a simple 2d carousel (but with hard stops at the end) containing screens.

When the application goes live, I’ll post a link here and you’ll be able to see the animation in action. It was pretty simple to do:

<UserControl x:Class="AppliedIS.PartnerHuddle.Screens.PageScroller"
    Width="640" Height="400">

        <Storyboard x:Name="ScrollToPageStoryboard">
                    Value="0" x:Name="ScrollToPageStoryboardTargetX">
                        <KeySpline ControlPoint1="0,0.009" 

    <Grid x:Name="LayoutRoot">
        <Canvas Width="600" Height="400">
            <StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal" x:Name="PageContainer" 
                <screens:HomePage x:Name="HomePage" />
                <screens:EventsPage x:Name="EventsPage" />
                <screens:MediaPage x:Name="MediaPage" />
                <screens:GeneralPage x:Name="GeneralPage" />
                <screens:UserSettingsPage x:Name="UserSettingsPage" />
                <screens:DataLoadingPage x:Name="DataLoadingPage" />
                <RectangleGeometry Rect="0 0 600 400" />

Here’s a subset of the scroller code in the scrolling screen container/panel:

private void ScrollToPage(UserControl page)
    int i = PageContainer.Children.IndexOf(page);

    if (i < 0)
        throw new ArgumentException("Specified page is not contained in the scrollable container.", "page");
        double currentPosition = 
        double newPosition = i * page.Width *-1;    // ASSUMPTION: All pages are the same width

        if (ScrollToPageStoryboard.GetCurrentState() == ClockState.Active)

        // build storyboard to scroll to that page
        ScrollToPageStoryboardTargetX.Value = newPosition;



My Solution - A Specialized Event Bus

I don't deal with data here at all, this is solely a navigation and screen presentation pattern, so I'm not offering up a full MVC (or MVP) solution. I have nothing against MVC, I just decided against building that type of framework for this application (and some others) I've built. Those patterns are also much more comprehensive than what I have here. That said, I certainly borrowed some concepts.

The other point I'd like to make is that this solution does not attempt to solve the "can screen x be shown now" problem yet.


In the diagram, I left out the lines connecting the scrolling screen container from the screens themselves, as that would just be clutter. Those lines will become more important in the future when I add in events to indicate when the screen is actually displayed, and when we are about to nav off the screen (for validation purposes)

// This enum needs to contain all possible nav targets for the application
public enum NavigationScreenTarget

// Event arguments for the navigation events
public class NavigationEventArgs : EventArgs
    private NavigationScreenTarget _target;
    private bool _instantaneous = false;

    public NavigationEventArgs(NavigationScreenTarget target, bool instantaneous)
        _target = target;
        _instantaneous = instantaneous;

    public NavigationScreenTarget Target
        get { return _target; }

    public bool InstantaneousNavigation
        get { return _instantaneous; }


// Navigation controller class
public static class NavigationController
    public static event EventHandler<NavigationEventArgs> NavigateToScreen;
    public static event EventHandler ShowMediaPlayer;
    public static event EventHandler HideMediaPlayer;

    // This tell the target to navigate to the screen using
    // the default behavior (animated, typically)
    public static void NotifyNavigateToScreen(NavigationScreenTarget target)
        NotifyNavigateToScreen(target, false);

    // this tells the target to navigate to the screen with no
    // transition animation
    public static void NotifyNavigateToScreen(
        NavigationScreenTarget target, bool instaneous)
        if (NavigateToScreen != null)
                new NavigationEventArgs(target, instaneous));

    // specialized navigation events

    public static void NotifyShowMediaPlayer()
        if (ShowMediaPlayer != null)
            ShowMediaPlayer(null, new EventArgs());

    public static void NotifyHideMediaPlayer()
        if (HideMediaPlayer != null)
            HideMediaPlayer(null, new EventArgs());


In this case, I called the class NavigationController. Other names like ScreenPresenter would certainly seem to fit. I haven’t come up with a reasonable name that doesn’t imply MVC/MVP, so if you come up with something, be sure to post it in the comments here.

I used the word “Notify” instead of “On” for the method names as this was an instructional event, as opposed to informational. I could have gone all old windows and called it “PostXEvent” or something, but that just didn’t feel right either.

I also included an example of a specialized event (NotifyShowMediaPlayer). I did that one differently from the normal navigation because it is an overlay “window”, not a real navigation target in the scrolling screen container.

When this project is complete, I’ll extract the interesting bits, like this, and post an end-to-end example that uses the Navigation, EventBus, Scroller, and other bits. In the mean time, I hope these three posts have given you some ideas for how to handle navigation and async communications in your own applications.

posted by Pete Brown on Monday, June 30, 2008
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1 comment for “Using Pub/Sub and the Observer Pattern in Silverlight 2 (Part 2 of 2) Navigation”

  1. martinsays:
    Windows Media Player 11 has been completely redesigned it now brings a completely new look and feel to your entertainment suite. One of the main problems with previous versions of Windows Media Player was that it didn’t include a DVD Decoder. Fantastic article.I found the article very interesting.

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