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Monthly Archives:

  • Nerdware: My Home Network, Rack Servers, CNC Machine

    I like to mess around with computers. Every primary computer I've owned since my first 486 has been built by me (my previous computers, a 286 and a Commodore 128 were purchased). I also run a moderately complex network at my house which I realize I have never fully described anywhere. So, thought I'd tell you about it here. Why My first server was a linux box I had in our last apartment. It w...

  • Space Shuttle is Huge!

    The three of us (me, Melissa and Ben) all went to the National Air and Space Museum - Udvar-Hazy Center in Chantilly, VA (not the one in DC) this weekend. This is where the Smithsonian keeps all the really big things like the Concorde, the Enola Gay, and the Space Shuttle Enterprise. It turned out to be less exciting for Ben than we thought (he's really into airplanes and spaceships, but only ...

  • Visual Studio 2008 and Silverlight 2 Beta 2 - Supported Versions

    In response to a question at last Friday's Silverlight TechFest event, I said that I believed Beta 2 was supported even on Visual Studio Express. I was incorrect. XNA supports Visual Studio Express (and I had been reading about XNA the night before), but Silverlight requires at least Visual Studio Standard. Standard is pretty reasonably priced at well under $300, but it isn't free. For now, i...