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Silverlight TechFest on Friday - WCF, Astoria and More!

Pete Brown - 11 June 2008

AISAt the Silverlight TechFest on Friday, I'll cover the following topics in my afternoon session on Connecting Silverlight:

  • Silverlight 2 Beta 2 Networking Overview
  • WCF
  • Sockets and/or WCF Duplex Communications
  • ADO.NET Data Services (Astoria) and how I used it and the ADO.NET Entity Framework

I'll also cover background info like binding, dependency properties, some LINQ and so on.

In the afternoon, we'll have a panel discussion and open Q&A, so this is a great opportunity for you to ask whatever you want about Silverlight 2.

Registration is currently full, but if you show up, no one will turn you away. Just make sure you register/waitlist via the link on my post here (link also has the agenda, location etc.).


(hey, it's a Microsoft presentation, so you knew there had to be a cloud in there somewhere!)

posted by Pete Brown on Wednesday, June 11, 2008
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