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Silverlight 2 TechFest Coming to Reston - Learn Cool Stuff and Win an XBOX 360

Pete Brown - 09 May 2008

On June 13, 2008 in the Microsoft Reston Technology Center, join AIS, Cynergy and Microsoft for the first Silverlight TechFest. This is a full day event focusing on Silverlight and Expression. We'll build a full application showing key parts of the process both on the UI side with the designer/developer relationship, and on the back end with WCF services and and business logic. I'll be doing the afternoon session on Silverlight and WCF.

Here's the official blurb:

Microsoft TechFest – Building Rich Interactive Web Applications with Silverlight and Expression

You are cordially invited to join us in a full-day event for developers and designers. Our first TechFest series will focus on how to use Microsoft latest web design and development technologies and tools such as Silverlight, ASP.NET AJAX, and Expression to create rich interactive web applications. While each session will focus on a specific area, we try to blend discussions and demos in the context of a real world application.

Microsoft TechFest events are collaborative efforts between Microsoft and Microsoft partners.  We are very grateful to AIS and Cynergy Systems for their support and for Cynergy’s generous sponsorship for the event.

Register here. Seating is limited, so register soon!


8:30-9:00  Welcome
9:00-10:30   Microsoft Web Technologies: What’s the Latest?
10:30-1:45  Morning Break
10:45-12:15  Designing a Rich Interactive Silverlight Application with Expression
12:15-1:00  Lunch Break (Lunch will be provided)
1:00-2:30  Building a Rich Interactive Application with Silverlight and WCF
2:30-2:45  Afternoon Break
2:45-4:15  Panel Discussion
4:15-:430  Wrap up and Raffle (XBOX 360, plus other stuff)


Microsoft Web Technologies: What’s the Latest?
In this session, we will share with you the latest of Silverlight 2.0 and Expression 2.0 and Microsoft web technology roadmap. We will talk about the new features, the developer and designer productivity synergies and workflows. We will also talk about how Microsoft Silverlight compares with competing technologies.

Designing a Rich Interactive Silverlight Application with Expression
First impressions can make or kill any relationship, and nowhere is this more true than in software.  In this session we will show how to use the “Look First” design pattern together with the Expression suite to develop a rich and engaging interactive Silverlight media player.  Using the Expression suite we will show how to skin controls and design animations to best meet the user experience, and optimize the designer developer workflow.

Building a Rich Interactive Application with Silverlight and WCF
Now that the user interface has been created, the user experience fleshed out, it's time to transition from design to development and wire up logic and services. We'll provide the logic that makes the application tick, and the services that connect it to the larger infrastructure. We'll discuss the communications options available in Silverlight and delve into WCF service support, building out the application along the way.

Panel Discussion
At the panel discussion, you will be given a unique opportunity to ask questions and share comments on questions that have been raised by other attendees. The panel consists of speakers from the event and optionally guest speaker(s). 

posted by Pete Brown on Friday, May 9, 2008
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  1. Christopher Steensays:
    Sharepoint SharePoint as a WCF Host [Via: Sahil Malik ] SharePoint 2007 as a WCF host - Step #4, Write...
  2. SilverlightShow.netsays:
    On June 13, 2008 in the Microsoft Reston Techno
  3. Gold Coastsays:
    Pete Brown just let me know about this event in Reston, VA on June 13th.  I just looked over the
  4. Public Sector Developer Weblogsays:
    Pete Brown just let me know about this event in Reston, VA on June 13th.  I just looked over the
  5. Gold Coastsays:
    Pete Brown just let me know about this event in Reston, VA on June 13th.  I just looked over the
  6. Public Sector Developer Weblogsays:
    Pete Brown just let me know about this event in Reston, VA on June 13th.  I just looked over the
  7. POKE 53280,0: Pete Brown's Blogsays:
    Announced at Tech Ed today: Silverlight 2 Beta 2 is coming this week, right on time according to the
  8. POKE 53280,0: Pete Brown's Blogsays:
    If you have Silverlight 2 Beta 2 Installed and enabled, you will not be able to upload videos to Silverlight
  9. POKE 53280,0: Pete Brown's Blogsays:
    At the Silverlight TechFest on Friday, I'll cover the following topics in my afternoon session on Connecting