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Monthly Archives:

  • Silverlight Chat Application for CMAP Code Camp

    For all of you attending tomorrow's CMAP code camp, here's a sneak peek at what I'll be building in my 10:30 Silverlight 2 and Microsoft Expression session. The session is targeted towards developers, but anyone with an interest in Silverlight or Expression is welcome and encouraged to attend The application has a server piece (the windows forms app) and, in this instance, two Silve...

  • Vista and Local Administrator

    After trying to work for months as a normal user on my Vista Ultimate install at home, I finally got tired of the problems and decided to run as an administrator like I did in previous operating systems. I gave it a good go, but have just found that environment unsuitable for a developer. Main issues: UAC prompt every time you install something. Annoying, but not fatal. Apps that for som...