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Monthly Archives:

  • Congratulations Frank!

    Please join me in congratulating fellow AIS'er and and MVP Frank La Vigne for being renewed as Microsoft MVP for 2008!Frank is a Tablet PC MVP, but he has also been doing a lot of Silverlight and WPF work lately. Frank set up the Silverlight DevCamp DC last year, and has been instrumental in planning and speaking at events since then. He's also working on a very cool WPF app for a ...

  • HLS DevCon

    The Microsoft Health and Life Sciences Evangelism Team have put together a great free event in NJ with Silverlight, SQL Server, Surface, Silverlight Mobile, WPF, AJAX and lots more.April 22 - April 24 2008Sheraton Atlantic City Convention Center Hotel  Two Miss America WayAtlantic City New Jersey 08401United States Solutions Focused·       Health 2...