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Silverlight 2 for Business Applications Webcast

Pete Brown - 05 March 2008

The registration link for my March 19 Silverlight 2 webcast is now on-line. If you're interested in developing LOB applications in Silverlight, or want to learn more about what Silverlight 2 Beta 1 brings to the table, be sure to register.

This is an introduction to Silverlight with a strong LoB Applications focus.

posted by Pete Brown on Wednesday, March 5, 2008
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9 trackbacks for “Silverlight 2 for Business Applications Webcast”

  1. Christopher Steensays:
    Sharepoint No VSE WSS for VS 2008 Until Summer [Via: Tariq ] WPF Podder v2 has been released! [Via:...
  2. Andrea Cruciani' blogsays:
    Come già Andrea Boschin ha annunciato nel suo blog : "...e finalmente arriva Silverlight 2"
  3. .net DEvHammersays:
    Pete Brown from AIS will be presenting a webcast on Silverlight 2 focusing on business apps...more info
  4. Noticias externassays:
    Pete Brown from AIS will be presenting a webcast on Silverlight 2 focusing on business apps...more info
  5. ASPInsiderssays:
    Pete Brown from AIS will be presenting a webcast on Silverlight 2 focusing on business apps...more info
  6. Community Blogssays:
    First off let me say this: my buddy Pete Brown of AIS is giving a Webcast on Silverlight 2 for Business
  7. Community Blogssays:
    First off let me say this: my buddy Pete Brown of AIS is giving a Webcast on Silverlight 2 for Business
  8. The WPF Squint Testsays:
    There has been a big thread on the Avanade Silverlight Community about this very subject. I have not...
  9. The WPF Squint Testsays:
    There has been a big thread on the Avanade Silverlight Community about this very subject. I have not...