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Monthly Archives:

  • What's up (or down) with Windows Live ID?

    Ok, I've imbibed more Microsoft Kool-aid than most people. I love working with Microsoft tools and with Microsoft employees. However, Windows Live ID (Passport) is starting to really get on my nerves.The other day, right before I was to demo a Silverlight site (www.heroeshappenhere.com) as part of a Silverlight talk for a CIO audience, something at Windows Live ID went down. I couldn't ...

  • Silverlight 2 Blueprints for SharePoint

    Thanks to Tad at AIS for bringing this one to my attention. We have some early experience in combining Silverlight and SharePoint, based on the 1.1 alpha work we did back in July as well as some 1.0 work since then. We did only the most basic integration early on, though. We're working on combining Silverlight 2 and MOSS/WSS (within AIS and on the revamp of my own site), so this couldn'...