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Malvern Silverlight Firestarter a Great Success

Pete Brown - 16 December 2007

Despite attempts by weathermen to scare off attendees with talk of snow and ice, the Malvern Firestarter event was a great success. Illustrating the interest in Silverlight, the event filled two rooms even though an equally interesting XNA and Robotics studio event was going on just down the hall

I had the honor of delivering the keynote and the Expression Encoder / Design / Blend session for the event. Peter Laudati demonstrated some of the great Silverlight 1.0 content in production on the web, as well as how well the demos work on the Mac. Mark Magliocco posted photos of the event in his album here. Here are two photos from the Keynote. 

Here I am explaing the different development models (JavaScript / AJAX, .NET, DLR). That pile of boxes included some of the swag: free copies of Laurence Moroney's Introducing Silverlight 1.0 for everyone on the room.

Here's Peter demonstrating Silverlight media

Thanks for Dani Diaz and Peter Laudati for setting this up. Thanks also to Mark Magliocco for posting the photos, and to my friends from the Baltimore area for making the trek up to PA. [:)]

When the demos/slides/screencasts are posted, I'll post links here.

posted by Pete Brown on Sunday, December 16, 2007
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3 trackbacks for “Malvern Silverlight Firestarter a Great Success”

  1. JrzyShr Dev Guysays:
    I'm pleased to announce that Microsoft will be hosting a Silverlight 1.0 Firestarter event in New York
  2. Noticias externassays:
    I'm pleased to announce that Microsoft will be hosting a Silverlight 1.0 Firestarter event in New
  3. Paul Mooney says:
    Silverlight 1.0 Firestarter Coming to NYC January 26th Microsoft will be hosting a Silverlight 1.0...