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More Photos from Silverlight DevCamp DC

Pete Brown - 05 November 2007

Here are a couple shots from my two talks at the Silverlight Dev Camp this past weekend at Microsoft in Reston, VA.

Thanks again to Frank La Vigne for setting this whole event up and bringing Silverlight to the east coast, and for taking and posting the photos.

My first talk was a walkthrough of a real-world SIlverlight 1.1 application: our Carbon Calculator. I went through it pretty quickly to make up for some lost time from early in the day, but managed to cover all the important ports.

My second talk was an ad-hoc slideless presentation and Q&A at the end of the day. I walked the group through the mechanics of how the Silverlight control is instantiated and the content loaded in 1.0 vs 1.1, and then dove into what it takes to create usercontrols from scratch.



posted by Pete Brown on Monday, November 5, 2007
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