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See you at BaltoMSDN on September 19

Pete Brown - 30 August 2007

I'll be presenting about Silverlight and the Carbon Calculator at the September 19 BaltoMSDN meeting. Thanks to Ed Mullin for hooking me up with that gig.

This one promises to be fun. Not only do you get to learn about something interesting, but there will also be beer and refreshments. Maybe I'll run a contest to see how many beers until my design skills improve - not sure yet if that will be how many I have, or how many you have to have :)


Silverlight is Microsoft’s Rich Internet Application platform. Based on a cross-platform version of the .NET 3.5 framework and combining concepts from WPF, desktop applications, AJAX, and “those other guys”, Silverlight 1.1 provides new opportunities for .NET developers to produce compelling browser-based applications. During this session, Pete will introduce Silverlight and then dive into the Conservation International Carbon Calculator which went live on 7/7/7 - one of the very first Silverlight 1.1 applications to go into production. (Not to mention it also includes Virtual Earth and MOSS 2007 in the mix.) He’ll discuss the real-world uses of this technology, what it does well, what it doesn’t, and how to best use and expand your existing skills to target what promises to be one of the hottest .NET technologies since ASP.NET 1.0.

posted by Pete Brown on Thursday, August 30, 2007
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2 comments for “See you at BaltoMSDN on September 19”

  1. Leisays:
    I tried this URL http://www.biodiversityhotspots.org/CarbonCalculator/Pages/CarbonCalculator.aspx

    per MSDN article


    Got an error "Application error has occurred". Is that the right url?
  2. Pete Brownsays:
    Hi Lei

    The application was up for the summer of 2007. The client, having achieved what they needed to, decided not to have the application and site upgraded to the latest versions of the software.

    So nope, the site is no longer up.


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