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Silverlight links, and how to get started with Silverlight

Pete Brown - 04 July 2007

As a follow-up to last night's CMAP presentation, here are some of the links I spoke about.

When installing, I generally recommend you install the Silverlight 1.1 alpha first. You'll get that from the download page if you visit my Balloons demo or any other Silerlight 1.1 demo.

Then install Visual Studio Orcase (2008), then the Tools for Orcas. Follow that up with the SDK. The SDK includes source code for sample controls as well as general information about Silverlight.

Finally, assuming you don't want to hand-code all your XAML, install Expression Design and Blend. If you want to do any video work, also install Expression Media Encoder.

Once you get that all set up, go visit the quick starts page at Silverlight.net and have some fun :)

posted by Pete Brown on Wednesday, July 4, 2007
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