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Updates to Silverlight 1.1 Balloons

Pete Brown - 30 June 2007

I made a few quick updates to the Silverlight 1.1a Balloons example this weekend, and put the new version at a separate URL for comparison purposes.

  • I tested to see if object creation was the performance problem. It wasn't. I tested by reusing existing objects.
  • I removed the PNG animation (clouds) to reduce some of the CPU usage
  • I added the requested "pop" functionality. I didn't have time to do anything fancy, so it does a simple scale transform and a drop to the ground. Of course, I added some counters to the app to keep track of how well you are doing :)
  • Tweaked the object creation code. My wife had accidentally left the balloons running all night, and it had run out of balloons :)

You can download the latest source here. You can see the latest version on-line here.


posted by Pete Brown on Saturday, June 30, 2007
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  1. Pete Brown's Blogsays:
    As a follow-up to last night's CMAP presentation, here are some of the links I spoke about. My Blog
  2. Pete Brown's Blogsays:
    As a follow-up to last night's CMAP presentation, here are some of the links I spoke about. My Blog
  3. POKE 53280,0: Pete Brown's Blogsays:
    The Silverlight 1.1 July Alpha Refresh is out, and with it, I can release this post. This version of