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More on Silverlight 1.1 Alpha Animation Performance

Pete Brown - 25 June 2007

I was concerned about the performance of Silverlight animation as uncovered in my balloons example. I did a couple more tests on my own PC.

  • Running as is with balloons and clouds: iexplore.exe uses about 65-75% CPU on my P4 PC (99% on my wife's AMD laptop)
  • Removing the balloons and balloon creation loop, leaving only the fixed xaml-based cloud animation: about 55% CPU usage
  • Removing all animation: about 5% CPU

That shows that the animation is definitely very CPU intensive, more so than other platforms. Remember, this is all Silverlight 1.1 Alpha (not even a beta), so I would fully expect it to change before release. Don't make production decisions based on alpha information. I'm posting this here just as an FYI for other Silverlight developers.

You can download the source for the balloons example from the referenced blog post.

posted by Pete Brown on Monday, June 25, 2007
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1 comment for “More on Silverlight 1.1 Alpha Animation Performance”

  1. BinaryJamsays:
    Love the balloon demo its so pretty. I noticed something strange though, probably silverlight based not your example.

    Open the balloons on two separate browsers and have both playing simultaneously and theres an awful lot of flicker.

    I'm running a Core2duo 6300 on Vista Ultimate. I 'ate vista.

    Thanks for the link BTW it's how I found your site..

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