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So What's Up with the Model Railroad Layout?

Pete Brown - 17 March 2006

So, what have I been doing with my model railroad layout, and my cnc work? The renovation work at the house here has turned both my railroad/cnc workshop and the layout room into temporary storage. I hope to get back into that work sometime soon, but that is not likely to happen prior to Winter 06/07 at the earliest.

Then again, I might surprise myself :)

posted by Pete Brown on Friday, March 17, 2006
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1 comment for “So What's Up with the Model Railroad Layout?”

  1. Ken Harpsays:
    Mr. Brown-
    Hope this finds you rocking and rolling. I found your
    model railroading site by accident on google and it is very interesting. Especially,when the words "Western Maryland" popped out and alarms starting going off from a previous life (childhood, living a half block from the track in Smithsburg, Md.). My grandfather worked for them (dispatcher) and he would dragged, no, allow his grand kid to go along. From Hagerstown passenger station, some pretty big two story switching tower to Thurmont, Md. and some places in between. I hope you are able to get back to your railroad soon. Respectfully, kharp11@hughes.net

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