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Join us for Episode 0: The pilot episode of our new YouTube show!

Pete Brown - 04 September 2013

Tomorrow (Thursday) at 3:00pm Eastern Daylight Time (12:00 noon US West coast time, and 7:00pm GMT) G. Andrew Duthie and I are going to have the pilot episode of our new independent YouTube show!

We don't yet have a name, but we have enough topics to fill months worth of shows. In this show and others, we'll talk everything from microcontrollers, 3d printers, cool apps, synthesizers, embedded dev, 4k displays, electronics kits, embedded dev, *copters, games, and much more. Anything of interest to us is in scope, and we're pretty geeky.


Show URL:



Please join us live! This is an interactive show. Post your questions and topic ideas before and during the show on the YouTube page. We'll monitor the comments in real-time and answer questions, and take ideas for future topics.

Have questions or topic ideas? Post them on the YouTube page now and we'll get to them during the show.

posted by Pete Brown on Wednesday, September 4, 2013
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4 comments for “Join us for Episode 0: The pilot episode of our new YouTube show!”

  1. Petesays:

    Not given up, just had other priorities which kept me from writing here. Mostly I was working on an insane amount of Windows 8.1 training materials, plus several events and visits to our redmond campus.

    But yes, this site looks abandoned at the moment. My fault entirely.


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