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A quick talk timer using the Netduino Go and Komodex seven-segment display

Pete Brown - 25 July 2012

In this post, I show how to create a simple talk countdown timer using a Netduino GO and the komodex Seven Segment Display Module.

Yesterday, I received the Seven Segment Display Module I pre-ordered from komodex systems. Matt Isenhower did a great job with designing this board and making it an attractive piece of kit. It has a lovely shiny black silkscreen, professionally installed surface mount components, and lovely white silkscreen with graphics and lovely proportional lettering (likely done as a graphic). The display itself uses white LEDs, and supports four digits (or custom characters), a colon, and an apostrophe.

There are two ICs on board: an STM8 processor for gobus and a TI TLC5925 16 channel constant current LED driver. In the spirit of open source hardware (which this is), the full schematic is available here. (Also in the spirit of open source, Matt answered all my questions about how he had the board manufactured - information I plan to use when manufacturing my own GO and Gadgeteer modules.)

The LED display, like most white displays, has a yellow tint when off.


It's dead simple stuff, but it comes together quite nicely.

I already had all the Netduino GO and .NET Micro Framework 4.2 stuff installed, so all I had to download was the Seven Segment Display Module driver from komodex systems. The driver installed fine, although I had to bypass the annoying nanny prompt "this file is not commonly downloaded and could harm your computer". Bring it on, baby :)

The Project

Call me unimaginative, when when I saw this display, my first thought was "clock". Well, I have several events coming up, including a few that showcase NETMF projects ( VSLive, thatConference, and the Heartland Developer Conference). What better than a simple talk timer.

I won't go into detail on creating a new Netduino GO project, as the Netduino site has plenty of information on that. Just install the SDKs, create a new Netduino GO project (in VS 2010) and you're ready to go.

The source for this is dead simple, so here it is all in one shot:

using System;
using System.Threading;
using Microsoft.SPOT;
using Microsoft.SPOT.Hardware;
using SecretLabs.NETMF.Hardware.NetduinoGo;
using Komodex.NETMF;

namespace NetduinoGoTalkTimer
public class Program
private static SevenSegmentDisplay _display = new SevenSegmentDisplay();

public static void Main()
// hard code time to 5 minutes for now, just to test
TimeSpan duration = new TimeSpan(0,5,0);

// standard decrement
TimeSpan decrement = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 1);
int sleepDuration = (int)(decrement.Ticks / TimeSpan.TicksPerMillisecond);

// show the colon

bool moreTime = true;

while (moreTime)
// show the current countdown

//sleep for duration of decrement

// check to see if we should continue
moreTime = duration.Ticks > 0;

if (moreTime)
// decrement time
duration = duration.Subtract(decrement);

// flash when done
while (true)



Like I said, very simple. If you run the app at this point, it will count down for five minutes, then obnoxiously flash the display in a way that reminds me of the VCR my parents had.


Project Version 2

Ok, so that was interesting, but it doesn't let you set the time yourself, start the timer with a button, or do any other normal things. The hard-coded 5 minutes is just to test.

Next, I wanted to add the ability to set the time, as well as to start and stop the timer at will. Explanation after the code.

using System;
using System.Threading;
using Komodex.NETMF;
using Microsoft.SPOT;
using Microsoft.SPOT.Hardware;
using SecretLabs.NETMF.Hardware.NetduinoGo;

namespace NetduinoGoTalkTimer
enum State

public class Program
private static SevenSegmentDisplay _display = new SevenSegmentDisplay();
private static NetduinoGo.Potentiometer _pot = new NetduinoGo.Potentiometer();
private static NetduinoGo.Button _startStopButton = new NetduinoGo.Button();
private static TimeSpan _duration = new TimeSpan(0);

public static void Main()
// wire up button event handler
_startStopButton.ButtonReleased += OnStartStopButtonReleased;

// show the colon

_currentState = State.SettingTime;

// main repeating loop for the app
private static void MainLoop()
while (true)
switch (_currentState)
case State.SettingTime:

case State.Countdown:

case State.Flashing:

private static TimeSpan decrement = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 1);
private static int sleepDuration = (int)(decrement.Ticks / TimeSpan.TicksPerMillisecond);

// called in a loop for the countdown. This does have a
// cumulative error because it just sleeps for one second
// as opposed to checking to see how much time has elapsed
private static void CountDown()
if (_duration.Ticks > 0)
// show the current countdown

//sleep for duration of decrement

// decrement time
_duration = _duration.Subtract(decrement);
// set current state to flashing
_currentState = State.Flashing;
_duration = new TimeSpan(0);

// flash the display once. Called in a loop
private static void Flash()

// displays the current (countdown or setting) time
private static void ShowTime()
// when setting time, always show in hours/minutes. When
// counting down, switch to minutes/seconds when under 1 hour

if (_currentState == State.SettingTime)
_display.SetValue(_duration, TimeSpanDisplayMode.HourMinute);
_display.SetValue(_duration, TimeSpanDisplayMode.Automatic);

// this would be better with an infinite rotary encoder, but
// I don't have an encoder with my Netduino
private static void SetTime()
var val = _pot.GetValue();

// two hour max timespan, scaled to potentiometer value
long maxTimespan = 120 * TimeSpan.TicksPerMinute;
long span = (long)(maxTimespan * val);

// round to nearest 5 minutes
span = (long)(System.Math.Round(span / (5.0 * TimeSpan.TicksPerMinute)) *
(5.0 * TimeSpan.TicksPerMinute));

// set the duration and display the time
_duration = new TimeSpan(span);

// sleeping inside a tight loop is a good idea, as it gives
// the processor time to debug, reset, and other stuff

private static State _currentState = State.SettingTime;

static void OnStartStopButtonReleased(object sender, bool buttonState)
switch (_currentState)
case State.SettingTime:
_currentState = State.Countdown;

case State.Countdown:
_currentState = State.SettingTime;

case State.Flashing:
_currentState = State.SettingTime;


You can see that the code got a bit more complex. In order to support the three different modes (setting time, timer counting down, and time's up), I refactored the code into a simple state machine. There's now a centralized loop which is always running. What happens in the loop depends upon the state:

State What happens for each loop iteration
SettingTime Poll the potentiometer and update the display and duration based on value
Countdown Subtract one second from the current duration and display the value
Flashing Blink once

Note also that the individual actions control the loop delay.

One problem you may have noticed in this is that this code delays for 1 second, but that delay is in addition to anything caused by a garbage collection, or just the overhead of function calling. I haven't measured the drift here, but it does drift a bit over time. I suspect that the drift will only result in a second or so over the course of an hour, but I haven't measured.

A way to fix that would be to find the current time/ticks and only delay for the remainder of the second. This is an approach I used when writing the delay loop in my Commodore 64 emulator.


(I'm not using half the stuff in that photo; it's just my dev board. Only the left-most button, the potentiometer, the Komodex display, and (of course) the Netduino GO itself are used. The second button, LED, touch display, and shield modules are all unused.


You can see a quick video of the talk timer in action here:

Simple Netduino GO Talk Timer using Komodex Labs Seven Segment Display

Direct link to the video on YouTube: http://youtu.be/wOMamTXEWHY


The new Komodex labs seven segment display module for the Netduino GO is really quite nice. The white display can be super bright if you want it to be and, because the API is well thought out, you can control the brightness right from NETMF. Making something useful like a talk timer took less time than it did to write this up.

posted by Pete Brown on Wednesday, July 25, 2012
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