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NuGet for WPF and Silverlight Developers

Pete Brown - 10 February 2011

NuGet is package management system for .NET and Visual Studio. It allows people to create simple packages that install files into your projects, adds references etc. It makes it super simple to get working components and even scaffolding into your application without having to search your drive, manually find references, resolve dependencies etc.

NuGet is a Visual Studio extension that makes it easy to install and update open source libraries and tools in Visual Studio.

When you use NuGet to install a package, it copies the library files to your solution and automatically updates your project (add references, change config files, etc). If you remove a package, NuGet reverses whatever changes it made so that no clutter is left.

While NuGet is most popular with the ASP.NET crowd, it's growing in popularity with Silverlight and WPF developers as well. Recently, in response to a little prodding Scott Hanselman gave both me and Tim, Tim Heuer did the work to get the Silverlight Toolkit on NuGet. That's awesome :)

NuGet is a painless install that doesn't screw up other stuff. It's a simple Visual Studio extension. Let's try it out.

Step 1: Install NuGet

Go to nuget.org and click on the giant "Install NuGet" button


NuGet comes as a nice Visual Studio Extension installer (.vsix). Go ahead and open it and allow it to install into Visual Studio. It takes about 3 seconds on my SSD :)


Step 2: Find a Package

There are two main modes of operation for NuGet: the dialog approach and the command line approach. There's a great Getting Started tutorial on the NuGet codeplex site, so I'll only cover a subset of it here.

Let's see what's out there for WPF and Silverlight. We'll try the command-line approach. Under the tools menu, open the Library Package Manager (NuGet) Console


Once you see the Package Manager Console command prompt at the bottom of your screen, type "get-package -remote" to list of the available packages in the official NuGet Repository. In the current release, it may truncate the list if it's too long (that's being fixed today). In the mean time, let's try a little filter/search.

Type "get-package -filter wpf" to see ones with the word WPF in the ID or description. It returned this for me:

PM> get-package -remote -filter wpf

Id Version Description
-- ------- -----------
AvalonEdit AvalonEdit is the WPF-based text editor used in SharpDevelop 4.0...
AvalonEdit.Sample Sample code for AvalonEdit the WPF-based text editor used in Sha...
Catel.Windows 0.9.2 Catel.Windows library which includes the MVVM Framework for WPF ...
Catel.Windows 1.0.0 Catel.Windows library which includes the MVVM Framework for WPF ...
EF4Templates EF4 Templates uses T4toolbox to generate Repositories, Unit of w...
MvvmLight The MVVM Light Toolkit is a set of components helping people to ...
MVVMT4 T4 Templates for generating view models, and views for WPF, Silv...
netfx-System.Windows.Input.DelegateCommand An implementation of WPF ICommand that allows passing delegates/...
Observal Observal is a library that helps you to manage complex, hierarch...
Prism Prism helps you more easily design and build rich, flexible, and...
reactiveui An MVVM library for WPF and Silverlight that is deeply integrate...
reactiveui-xaml WPF and Silverlight specific extensions to ReactiveUI, formerly ...
reactivexaml A MVVM library for WPF and Silverlight that is deeply integrated...
reactivexaml A MVVM library for WPF and Silverlight that is deeply integrated...
SimpleMvvmToolkit.WPF Helper classes, Visual Studio templates, code snippets and sampl...
SimpleMvvmToolkit.WPF Helper classes, Visual Studio templates, code snippets and sampl...
SimpleMvvmToolkit.WPF Helper classes, Visual Studio templates, code snippets and sampl...

I then did the same thing for Silverlight:

PM> get-package -remote -filter silverlight

Id Version Description
-- ------- -----------
BingMapAppSDK 1.0.1011.1716 With the Bing Map App SDK, you can now create your own map apps ...
Catel.Silverlight 1.0.0 Silverlight version of Catel, including all controls and the MVV...
EF4Templates EF4 Templates uses T4toolbox to generate Repositories, Unit of w...
entile-client 0.1.0 The Entile Notification Framework helps you when doing Live Tile...
FlickrNet.Silverlight 3.1.4000 The Flickr.Net API Library is a .Net Library for accessing the F...
FluentAssertions A very extensive set of extension methods for .NET 3.5, 4.0 and ...
FluentValidation A validation library for .NET, Silverlight and WP7 that uses a f...
FluentValidation A validation library for .NET, Silverlight and WP7 that uses a f...
jLight 0.1 Interop between Silverlight and the javascript based on jQuery. ...
Moq 4.0.10827 The simplest mocking library for .NET 3.5/4.0 and Silverlight wi...
MvvmLight The MVVM Light Toolkit is a set of components helping people to ...
MVVMT4 T4 Templates for generating view models, and views for WPF, Silv...
Prism Prism helps you more easily design and build rich, flexible, and...
protobuf-net protocol buffers is the name of the binary serialization format ...
qdfeed 1.0.2 A lightweight .NET library designed to give developers an agnost...
ReactiveOAuth Reactive Extensions base OAuth library for .NET Framework 4 Clie...
reactiveui An MVVM library for WPF and Silverlight that is deeply integrate...
reactiveui-xaml WPF and Silverlight specific extensions to ReactiveUI, formerly ...
reactivexaml A MVVM library for WPF and Silverlight that is deeply integrated...
reactivexaml A MVVM library for WPF and Silverlight that is deeply integrated...
SilverlightToolkit-All 4.2010.4 The complete Microsoft Silverlight Toolkit. Details at http://s...
SilverlightToolkit-Core 4.2010.4 The core components Microsoft Silverlight Toolkit. Details at h...
SilverlightToolkit-Data 4.2010.4 Data components of the Microsoft Silverlight Toolkit. Details a...
SilverlightToolkit-DataViz 4.2010.4 Data visualization components of the Microsoft Silverlight Toolk...
SilverlightToolkit-Input 4.2010.4 Input components of the Microsoft Silverlight Toolkit. Details ...
SilverlightToolkit-Layout 4.2010.4 Layout components of the Microsoft Silverlight Toolkit. Details...
SilverlightToolkit-Theming 4.2010.4 Theming components of the Microsoft Silverlight Toolkit. Detail...
SilverlightToolkitWP 4.2010.11 The Microsoft Silverlight for Windows Phone Toolkit. Details at...
SimpleMvvmToolkit.Silverlight Helper classes, Visual Studio templates, code snippets and sampl...
SimpleMvvmToolkit.Silverlight Helper classes, Visual Studio templates, code snippets and sampl...
SimpleMvvmToolkit.Silverlight Helper classes, Visual Studio templates, code snippets and sampl...
StatLight 1.2.3919 StatLight: Tool for executing Silverlight test xap packages loca...
StatLight 1.3.3981 StatLight: Tool for executing Silverlight test xap packages loca...

There's a fair amount of stuff available for Silverlight as well. Very cool, indeed.

Step 3: Install a Package

There are a few WPF and Silverlight packages of interest there. Prism, ReactiveUI, Rx Extensions, the Silverlight Toolkit, SimpleMvvmToolkit, Windows 7 API Code Pack, and more. I'm going to install Prism, since it's interesting and has some dependencies that will need to be resolved.

First, if you haven't already, create a new WPF Windows app. Most NuGet packages need a project to install into.

Then, at the command prompt, type "install-package prism"

PM> install-package prism
'CommonServiceLocator (≥ 1.0)' not installed. Attempting to retrieve dependency from source...
Successfully installed 'CommonServiceLocator 1.0'
You are downloading Prism from Microsoft patterns & practices, the license agreement to which is available at http://compositewpf.codeplex.com/license. Check the package for additional dependencies, which may come with their own license agreement(s). Your use of the package and dependencies constitutes your acceptance of their license agreements. If you do not accept the license agreement(s), then delete the relevant components from your device.
Successfully installed 'Prism'
Successfully added 'CommonServiceLocator 1.0' to WpfApplication2
Successfully added 'Prism' to WpfApplication2

The process took maybe 4 seconds at most (NuGet is really fast) and updated the references in my project, automatically including the correct libraries and, as you saw, installing any required dependencies. Due to the nature of NuGet packages at the moment, you typically don't get any templates. I hope to see that change in the future.


Step 4: Profit

If you're a tools or toolkit author, put your stuff in NuGet today. This is a great package management system (whether you use the command line or dialog approach) for Visual Studio. It saves you from having to deal with all the usual hunting and manual dependency referencing in your projects.

There's a lot of talk inside Microsoft about getting different projects and packages out on NuGet. Expect to see more soon.

If you're a developer using NuGet, you'll find it often quicker than using even the new add reference dialog. Definitely go try it out.

posted by Pete Brown on Thursday, February 10, 2011
filed under:                

6 comments for “NuGet for WPF and Silverlight Developers”

  1. Marksays:
    If you are going to templates in this way, please design it so that templates in other languages than C# and VB are easily allowed. I use Delphi Prism and dislike bumping up against things that are designed ONLY for C# and VB and aren't even extensible to other languages. One of the things I really liked about .Net was its claim for being language agnostic. So I hope that can be factored into any parts of this NuGet that it can.
  2. Alexandersays:
    So, this is good idea, but i dont known how to make packages.

    and main idea is:
    - what about add feature to add project with link to CodePlex and Nuget system install for me fresh version of libs? - so this feature looks awesome, but now it is not, sorry, because i need to add new packages to your system.

  3. MawashiKidsays:
    Thank's for the scoop Pete... Awesome indeed...
    BTW Count me in the WPF and Silverlight Nuget users crowd + 1... :)
    I must give that little tool an A+

    Re: Alexander:
    You can have a look at the following link:

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