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Channel 9 Video: Joel Barsotti on CalMAN Calibration Software in WPF

Pete Brown - 27 October 2010


In September, I met up on campus with Joel Barsotti. Joel, and the company SpectraCal, have created an awesome WPF application used for analyzing and calibrating various types of displays (computer screens, LCDs in stores etc.)

When Joel first told me about the application, I was really excited about how he leveraged WPF and the power of desktop integration to create something that would have been a lot more work just a few years ago. Watch the video for more info.

Watch the video on Channel 9

Below are some screen shots of the CalMAN application. This is a great example of what WPF enables for application developers. Behind all the cool UI, is a sophisticated system including access to a display sensor device that is reading colors off of the screen. Very cool stuff.


THX Complete (Report)



posted by Pete Brown on Wednesday, October 27, 2010
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