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New Channel 9 Video: David Kelley on the Next Gen WPF and Silverlight Retail Experience

Pete Brown - 16 April 2010


At MIX10, I spoke with Wirestone Principal UX Architect David Kelley about a prototype retail experience he's built in WPF and Silverlight.

The experience is based around the concept of small updatable product price tags (actually screens) that can both be updated in real-time and react to the presence of a person standing near them.

Very cool stuff. I'm always interested in seeing folks with an octopus of devices hanging off a PC that all converge into a single cohesive experience. Sweet.

View the video here.

posted by Pete Brown on Friday, April 16, 2010
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2 comments for “New Channel 9 Video: David Kelley on the Next Gen WPF and Silverlight Retail Experience”

  1. shaggygisays:
    Very cool. I'm interested to see how he got the SL User Control to watch the USB/Serial Port ( "COM14" ). I would love to see SL have File.IO.SerialPort like WPF. This would open several scenarios like using Bluetooth Serial Port Profile. Will this be a future SL feature???

    SerialPort spTest = new SerialPort("COM14").

    I hope so:)
  2. David J Kelleysays:
    the trick is that the Silverlight UI is a user control from a library project. the UC is loaded in WPF straight up but then executed in context of WPF so for all intents and purposes it is running in WPF so it can que up com ports all day long. That being said you could take the wrapper I'm using for the controller and create a COM object that would be used in SL OOB and then you could talk to the controler fine. The issue there is that you could only have one price tag so for this demo SL is problematic. For me though having a library of kiosk assets that is used for the UI for use in SL and WPF w/o code changes really helps make reuse of assets accross our team.

    Also here is a related post where I talk more about this kind of technology from the consumer facing side.

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